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Example sentences for "caracoling"

Lexicographically close words:
carack; caracks; caracoa; caracoas; caracoled; caractere; caracteres; carafe; carafes; carak
  1. You see the one who looks about him so joyfully, and, holding his chestnut horse well in hand, comes caracoling up so bravely?

  2. I can't forget the pretty picture of her caracoling along on horseback, singing Spanish songs.

  3. Our party was every moment swelled by fresh reinforcements, and we had soon fifty horsemen caracoling by our sides.

  4. Twelve women are clamorously added to the Deputation; and march with it, across the Esplanade; through dissipated groups, caracoling Bodyguards, and the pouring rain.

  5. Twelve women are clamorously added to the deputation; and march with it, across the Esplanade; through dissipated groups, caracoling bodyguards and the pouring rain.

  6. He turned with a sudden, sportive, caracoling movement, to find a chair for himself.

  7. Any fool could see that his caracoling was funny.

  8. Came caracoling up the winding steep of Canobia a troop of horsemen, showily attired, and riding steeds that danced in the sunny air.

  9. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "caracoling" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.