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Example sentences for "canonries"

Lexicographically close words:
canonist; canonists; canonization; canonize; canonized; canonry; canons; canopied; canopies; canopy
  1. The said four canonries shall be of the number of those of the erection of the Church.

  2. At the same time it was enacted that a canon must have been six years in priest's orders, except in the case of canonries annexed to any professorship, headship or other office in any university.

  3. By the act of 1840 reforming cathedral chapters the number of canonries was greatly reduced, while some were made applicable to the endowment of archdeaconries and professorships.

  4. The right of presentation to canonries is now vested in some cases in the crown, in others in the lord chancellor, the archbishop or in the bishop of the diocese.

  5. Then ten canonries and prebends, which besides decreeing their utter separation from the above dignities, we ordain shall never be held along with any dignity.

  6. Moreover, to the said canonries and prebends no one may be presented who has not also been promoted to the holy order of priesthood.

  7. Respect at first was also shown to canonries under royal patronage.

  8. In time, however, this respect for the crown was surmounted, as we have seen in the century-long contention over the canonries of Antequera, Malaga and the Canaries.

  9. Probably even Ferdinand recognized an opposition too dangerous to be provoked and contented himself with using it as a threat against unruly chapters, which objected to his using canonries to pay his inquisitors.

  10. In October prosecutions were commenced against the recalcitrant chapter of Leon, which had refused to pay the fruits of the canonries of Ibarguen and of Cervantes, the Inquisitor of Cordova.

  11. In the project of reform drawn up in 1518, it was proposed that, in place of living on the confiscations and penances, the inquisitors should have one or two canonries for their support.

  12. Incidentally the Suprema declared that the magistral canonries were out of reach, but the doctoral ones were not, probably presuming on the royal ignorance.

  13. The doctoral and magistral canonries alluded to by Philip afforded a special grievance.

  14. In 1712 there was an echo of the old quarrel over the so-called suppressed canonries of Antequera, Málaga and the Canaries (p.

  15. The one hundred and one canonries annexed to the Inquisition are applied to the same object, subject to the royal decree of March 9th last, and for the time expressed in the Apostolic bulls.

  16. Another part of the bill provided for the suppression of such canonries or prebends as might fairly be considered superfluous.

  17. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "canonries" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.