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Example sentences for "busked"

Lexicographically close words:
businesses; businesslike; businessman; businessmen; busk; buskin; buskined; busking; buskins; buskit
  1. D] Þenne þay louelych le3ten leue at þe last, Vche burne to his bedde busked bylyue.

  2. In the morning Hymer arose, dressed himself, and busked himself to row out upon the sea to fish.

  3. They reported all to King Rolf, who straightway busked himself to fare against Upsala; and when he came with his ships into the river Fyre, he rode against Upsala, and with him his twelve berserks, all peaceless.

  4. He did not remain long at home, before he busked himself so suddenly for a new journey, that he took neither chariot, nor goats nor any companions with him.

  5. It careth not for the world's busked and plastered offers.

  6. Go also to Thorer, and tell him to get the house-carles busked for war.

  7. These well busked hooks have caught many; of which sort have been many banded indemnities, and easily swallowed oaths thereunto appended.

  8. Then they busked them; and just when they were `boun' they see ships coming up to them.

  9. After that the sons of Sigfus busked them and those men with them who were meant to go with them.

  10. After that they busked them east to the Firth, and Gunnar was not aware of what they were about, and Gunnar rode to the Thing.

  11. Then they busked them, four of Njal's sons, and Kari the fifth, and so they fare to Gritwater.

  12. Now, when the time for the Thing comes, she busked herself to ride away, and did in every way as had been laid down for her; and then she rides away to the Thing.

  13. After that they busked them, and a fight arose; and they fought long, so that neither side had the mastery.

  14. She busked her at once, and said she had long been "boun" to part from Mord.

  15. Then Gizur and Hjallti busked their ship for Iceland, and were soon "boun.

  16. The next summer Kari busked him for Iceland.

  17. They busked them for their voyage thence, till they were "allboun.

  18. So they all busked them to ride away from home, and were nigh thirty men in all, and rode till they came to Thursowater.

  19. After that Thorgeir of the Threecorner busked him with eleven men; he rides up on the ridge and there waits for his namesake.

  20. When he came home he busked him to ride to the Thing, and made all his neighbours ride with him.

  21. After that they busked them for their voyage, and fitted out their ship.

  22. Many a crame must have been emptied ere such a number of manes and long tails could have been busked out.

  23. He gave them fly-hooks which he had busked himself, and when he had nothing left to give he tried to flatter them into dealing gently with Mysy by talking to them as men.

  24. Out of doors in the castle-court They busked them in cloaks of skin, And so went they to the hall gallery, Where the King of Upsala sat within.

  25. All in the middle of the garden She clad her in cloak of skin; She busked her in a cloak of fur, And entered the high hall within.

  26. She busked her in her cloak of fur And entered the high hall belive, Where Oervarodd sat before the board With a hundred men and five.

  27. I busked me and came from Sweden To fight in this thy land.

  28. In the garden they busked them in cloaks of skin, And so went up to the franklin sitting there within.

  29. They busked them in their cloaks of fur And entered the high hall belive, Where the King of Uppland sat at the board With a hundred men and five.

  30. All in the middle of the garden They clad them in cloaks of skin; They busked them in their cloaks of fur And entered the high hall within.

  31. The king has sent for robes o' grene, And girdles o' shining gold; And sae sune have the ladyes busked themselves, Sae glorious to behold.

  32. That summer Kari and Njal's sons busked them for Iceland, and when they were "all-boun" they went to see the Earl.

  33. Earl Sigurd Hlodver's son busked him from the Orkneys, and Flosi offered to go with him.

  34. Flosi busked him from the east when two months were still to winter, and summoned to him all his men who had promised him help and company.

  35. After that the horses were led together; Gunnar busked him to drive his horse, but Skarphedinn led him out.

  36. Then they busked them; and just when they were boun they see ships coming up to them.

  37. Then Thrain Sigfus' son busked his ship for Iceland, and was all but "boun".

  38. We, saith he, were once in our land as a green tree busked round about with leaves and fruit; our church and state was in a flourishing condition, at least nothing was wanting to make outward splendour and glory.

  39. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "busked" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.