His impartial silence does not allow us to believe, that the great chamberlain Rhodanus was burnt alive for an act of oppression, (Chron.
Yet only 15 years afterwards, Valentinian, in a law addressed to the praefect of Gaul, is obliged to enact that these cowardly deserters shall be burnt alive.
Nereus and Achilles, was brought back to the mainland to be burnt alive at Terracina, because she refused to sacrifice to idols.
It was built in 1642 by Girolamo Rainaldi, in the form of a Greek cross, upon the site of the scaffold where St. Agnes, in her fourteenth year, was compelled to be burnt alive.
They did not seem pleased with this change; and as soon as Alvarado was completely clear of the town, he seized the principal cacique, whom he reproached for his treachery, and ordered to be burnt alive.
They pronounced Atahualpa guilty, and condemned him to be burnt alive.
Cortes sentenced the Mexican officers to beburnt alive in front of their kings palace, which was immediately carried into execution; and to prevent any commotion while this was taking place, he ordered Montezuma to be put in irons.
Of the latter nine were in effigy and 47 in person, of whom only four are specified as burnt alive.
Being all threatened to be burnt alive, Sabina smiled.
Then they unanimously demanded that he should be burnt alive.
I could not depend on the promises of such creatures, but I must either accept their offer or be burnt alive.
Learned doctors improved the occasion by printing dissertations in which it was proved that he must be burnt alive, if no death more atrocious could be invented to suit the crime.
Simonides being reserved to be burnt alive by the express command of the savage judge, who was enraged at his dignified constancy.
It was a question of expediency He was found guilty, - whether of all the crime alleged we are not informed, - and he was sentenced to be burnt alive in the great square of Caxamalca.
Yet he did not set a good example in his own conduct, if it be true that he caused no less than thirty Indian chiefs to be burnt alive, for the massacre of three of his followers!
Christie now asked his men, if we may believe the testimony of two of them, "whether they chose to give up the blockhouse, or remain in it and be burnt alive?
He said that if they yielded, their lives should be spared; but if they fought longer, they must all be burnt alive.
The offenders were then arrested and taken to the Place des Champeaux, when three bishops and doctors in theology deprived them of their degrees, and condemned them to be burnt alive.
Pierre Nouvel was condemned to be burnt alive at the bridge of Montvert, Molise Bonnet to be broken on the wheel at Deveze, and Esprit Seguier to be hanged at Andre-de-Lancise.
In 1498, the king being then at Canterbury, a priest was brought before him, accused of heresy, who was immediately ordered to be burnt alive.
His books were burnt at the gates of the church; and on the 6th of July, he was led to the suburbs of Constance, to be burnt alive.
The proconsul, finding that he could not prevail with them to renounce their faith, condemned them to be burnt alive, which sentence was soon after executed.
Elizabeth hastened to her husband and found him sitting with his feet in the stocks, his features changed by suffering, and expecting to be burnt alive on the morrow.
The bishops therefore ordered him to be given over to the secular arm that he might be burnt alive.
Lancaster, in his eagerness to show his gratitude to the priests, ordered that every incorrigible heretic should be burnt alive, to terrify his companions.
The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "burnt alive" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.