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Example sentences for "bundling"

Lexicographically close words:
bund; bunda; bundle; bundled; bundles; bunds; bune; bung; bunga; bungalow
  1. Bundling thus has its chief moral significance as an adjunct of pre-contract which must be held responsible for a very large share of the sexual misconduct revealed in the judicial records.

  2. Though bundling could arise only in a comparatively rude state of society, it seems in itself to have been neither very vicious nor very immoral.

  3. In his view, bundling is on the whole an innocent practice, seldom being attended by evil consequences.

  4. Nor apparently was bundling entirely abandoned in eastern Massachusetts until nearly fifty years thereafter, Cape Cod having the "dubious honor" of holding out against the "advance of civilization" in this regard until 1827.

  5. Moreover, as in New England, the custom of queesting or bundling imported from the old home may have proved a snare for the unwary feet of the young men and maidens of New Netherland.

  6. Footnote 575: So also in Holland, it is interesting to note, bundling appears in connection with the practice of public betrothals as the cause of ante-nuptial transgressions.

  7. Indeed, the practice of bundling has been assigned by New York writers as the proximate cause of the singular provision referred to.

  8. The custom of bundling was, however, too tenacious to be stopped by a decree of the legislator.

  9. And here and there a cow rose before him and went bundling down the mead a little way, and the owls cried out from behind him, and a fox barked from the thicket's edge.

  10. The gal up ter the squire's holds herself pooty high an' mighty, but like as not she's as plaguey fond of bundling with a good-looking man on the sly as most wenches.

  11. Those pulled off without rising he rolled over, and, bundling the disarranged bedclothes about him, he was instantly asleep.

  12. Writers upon the subject are at a loss to account for bundling having been permitted among a people so austere as were the early New Englanders; who highly esteemed virtue and severely punished unchastity.

  13. There was no secrecy, no thought of concealment; the bundling was done under the supervision of mother and sisters.

  14. Wooing was not always so difficult as to need the courting-stick or bundling to help it along, for some times it was done in a hurry and in most any place.

  15. Yet bundling was openly practiced and perhaps "in its open recognition lay its redeeming feature.

  16. The custom of bundling had a wide range of variety.

  17. Immediately a number of armed men came bundling up the hatch way.

  18. Then a twig snapped, and Bucklaw, the girl in his arms, came bundling out of the trees upon the bank.

  19. And all this gave great offence, not only to Mrs. Muggins and her daughter, but to all the gossips of the neighbourhood; and they insisted upon his bundling himself off, and he would not.

  20. Mr. Pringle attired in the height of the fashion, bundling into one of those extraordinary-shaped vehicles that modern times have introduced.

  21. It is not, therefore, a matter of surprise that bundling should, in the increased laxity of public morals, become more frequently abused.

  22. But last of all, up speaks romp Moll And pleads to be excused, For how can she e'er married be, If bundling be refused?

  23. It may seem very strange to find this custom of bundling in bed attended with so much innocence in New England, while in Europe it is thought not safe or scarcely decent to permit a young man and maid to be together in private anywhere.

  24. Bundling originating in poverty in Scotland and Ireland, 23.

  25. Samuel Peters, who thus discourseth at length upon the custom of bundling in Connecticut, and other parts of New England.

  26. The party in favor of bundling were able, too, to keep a poet, as is shown by the following ballad, which we transcribe from a printed copy preserved by the American Antiquarian Society.

  27. Vlie and Wieringen, bundling practiced in islands of, 35.

  28. Foxes, as a rule, come bundling along with far less precaution and no such vigilant look-out ahead, though they will instantly detect the least movement in front.

  29. Should open patches or sandy glades occur among the bush, foxes will be viewed bundling along, to all appearance quite carelessly.

  30. The custom of bundling is still practised in certain rural neighbourhoods of Wales.

  31. But she said: "Dost thou remember that game I played with the shepherd's pipe, how that the sheep came all bundling towards me?

  32. From what I can see, our worthy senior is also tired out; and we should, like when the cracker was let off in that story of the deaf people, be bundling ourselves off and finish!

  33. So what's the use of not bundling off a disorderly rascal like him, who neither shows any regard for discipline or heaven?

  34. All we need are two or three, placed side by side; we can then sit in a group, and by bundling together it will be both sociable as well as warm.

  35. Spring, you are welcome, for you mean the end of Bundling them up in their cold-weather wraps.

  36. Yonder the enemy go, bundling along a rough track not 500 yards away, half seen through whirling dust.

  37. It was really quite exciting; little bent figures of horsemen with flapping hats on ahead, bundling along for dear life, each with its spot of dust attending, we following, whooping and spurring.

  38. The Bundling press is solely intended to assist in the making up of the hanks of yarn into a form suitable for ready and convenient transit.

  39. The bundles of yarn made up on the bundling machine are usually 5 to 10 pounds weight, the latter being by far the more common size.

  40. Bundling is said to be practised in Wales.

  41. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "bundling" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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