I 'member my brudder was born dat Sunday when Lee surrender.
When us warn't in school, me an' my brudder wukked in de fiel' wid pa.
Den yer bruddersay bery weak like, 'I can't understan' it.
Missy," she said as soon as the girl reached her side, "hab yer seen yer brudder lately?
Brudder Knox, Sis Hannah, and my mammy and her two step-chillun was down on de river washin'.
Not long after dat, Marster sol' my mammy to his brudder who lived in Fort Worth.
De li'l white folks and nigger folks jus' play round like brudder and sister and us all eat at de white table.
Brudder Pete," that Sunday appellation dear to his ears.
Brudder Pete," he said, "I reckin you mought as well gib out de hyme.
And with utter slowness, he traced round my foot, and felt my toes, only once looking up to say: “Did I dell you my brudder was dead?
I am breddy well,” he said slowly; “but my elder brudderis dead.
A Speech Happy Uncle Tom Stick a Pin Dere, Brudder Horace Lecture on Woman's Rights Dat's wot de "Ledger" says.
But me and Squire, my brudder and my sisses, Mary and Margot had it a little better, we had what our old missus had.
Murray Frank, sah, come away dreckerly and bring your brudder sailor.
Go and talk lot o' time to pore black niggah when Massa Huggins' brudder bring schooner ship full of niggah.
Pore Brudder John, he sho' died out, and ever since den I been skeered of gittin' too hot on top of de haid.
When she waked up dere was hot times 'round dat place for a while, but good old Brudder Mitchell stayed right dar and holped us through de trouble.
It looked lak I never was gwine to git a chance to steal my gal, but one day a white boy bought my license for me and I got Brudder Bill Mitchell to go dar wid me whilst Mary's ma was asleep.
Brudder Bradberry used to come to our house to hold prayermeetin's, but Lawsey, Missy, dat man could eat more dan any Nigger I ever seed from dat day to dis.
My brudder Charles wuz de coachman what drove Ole Marster's carriage, and anudderbrudder wuz Willie, and one wuz Floyd.
Dey claps dey hands and keep de time, while dat old brudder ob mine he blows de quills.
My brudder you see sittin' in dere, he de baby I uster mine.
O, I hold my brudder wid a tremblin' hand I would not let him go!
Hold your light, Brudder Robert, Hold your light, Hold your light on Canaan's shore.
Me brudder an' de udder kids'll go home widout me an' I don't know de way.
Don' you call dat puffectly fa'r an' squar, Brudder 'Bijah?
Dis is a mighty dubersome question, Brudder Gran'son, a mighty dubersome question.
It 'pears ter me, Brudder 'Bijah, dat you doan' look at dem apples in de right light.
But dem apples don't seem ter git demselves straightened out in my mind, Brudder Gran'son.
My brudder have a seat and I so glad, Good news member, good news; My brudder have a seat and I so glad, And I heard from heav'n today.
You is blood kin brudder to a worm an' a goat--nothin' else chaws!
She was dumb with resentment, oppressed by amazement and a little in awe of the boy, her junior though he was.
You go ahead and try this stage thing all you like--but duck the men, duck 'em every time!
Who's goin' to put up for you while you're lookin' for this job-thing?
She had developed--or changed--amazingly in the brief period of her public career.
Brudder Mad'son Mason puffawmed the solemn cer'mony, an' preached a beautiful discou'se.
Brudder Zip," said Jim the parson, "I speak fust dah!
Well, how was dey gittin' along in de porehouse when yer lef', Brudder Isrel?
Gabe has had spells of rheumatiz afore, has he, Brudder Andy?
Pears like ol' times to see yer, Brudder Isrel," said Andy, preparing to fill his pipe.
Dar is wus places than the pore-house, Brudder Andy," remarked Israel with dignity.
I is sorry to inform you, Brudder Andy, that Gabe is at this moment in the pore-house; he was took up as a wagrant early this fall.
Of course I does, Brudder Andy," said Israel, towering above them and removing his pipe to his left hand to give his right to the old man.
Teacher say, 'Louie Ming, love Jesus, an' some day you see your baby brudder again.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "brudder" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.