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Example sentences for "broyled"

Lexicographically close words:
browse; browsed; browses; browsing; browt; brudder; brudders; brugge; bruise; bruised
  1. If thou wouldest needes know, the broyled meate that I had was a piece of such a mans buttocke.

  2. One time I sawe foure or five of the principall lordes roasted and broyled upon these gredyrons; also I thinke that there were twoo or three of the said gredyrons garnished with the like furniture.

  3. They eate all their meate broyled on the coales, and dressed in the smoake, which in their language they call Boucaned.

  4. Heare comes 2 great kettles full of bussards broyled & salted before the winter, with as many kettles full of ducks.

  5. I should delight to be broyled as before in pitifull torments.

  6. They cutt off some of the flesh of that miserable, broyled it and eat it.

  7. I brought him to the cottage, where [he] was broyled like a pigge and cutt in peeces, gutts and all, soe every one of the family had his share.

  8. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "broyled" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.