They are dark with mud, and on steep declivities they carry down pebbles and bits of broken stone, building up valleys at the expense of high ground.
Then it occurred to some inventive builder, Why not save mortar by throwing into it gravel and bits of broken stone?
Where gravel or broken stone is not used, the proportion of cement to sand should be as 1 to 4.
Each structure seemed to have been adapted for one cottage, as between them there were narrow spaces which had got filled up with débris, and contained relics such as broken stone hatchets, carbonised cloth and fruits, etc.
These drains should be laid like all agricultural drainage; and while substitution of broken stone, bundles of twigs, wooden boxes, or flat stone may be made, the only proper material to be used is burnt clay in the form of tile.
More simply it may be made by digging a trench along the hillside at the same level as the spring, or into the spring if necessary to find the water, and then laying draintile surrounded by coarse gravel or broken stone in the trench.
By water-proofing the main wall and then backfilling against the wall with coarse gravel or broken stone, the same results as with open areaways are obtained and at a much smaller cost.
On the top of this bottom pitching should be placed a 6-inch layer of broken stone ballast or strong clean gravel, of which none of the stones should be larger than will pass through a 2-inch ring.
The spaces between the sleepers were filled in with gravel or broken stone to form a roadway or hauling path for the horses.
One end of the beater is pointed like a pick, and serves to loosen the ballast or broken stone, and the other end is made somewhat in the hammer-head form to pack or beat the ballast under the sleeper.
Upon a broken stone, in the middle of the town, is the following inscription, in characters similar to those which I met with at Hebron, Kanouat, and Aaere.
Upon a broken stone in a modern wall near this temple I read: [Greek].
Upon a broken stone in the wall of a public building over the great reservoir of the town, was the following: [Greek] [p.
On a broken stone surface, upon a bottoming of concrete, formed of Parker's cement and gravel 46 The following statement relates to the force required to draw a coach weighing 18 cwt.
On a broken stone road, upon a rough pavement foundation 46 5.
On a broken stone surface, or old flint road 65 3.
Short sections of surfacing such as gravel or broken stone may be placed here and there.
To insure that the layer of broken stone can be compacted by rolling, it is first necessary to roll the earth foundation until it becomes hard and unyielding.
Shells wear much more rapidly than broken stone or gravel of good quality, and consequently roads made of them require more constant attention to keep them in good order.
When railways superseded highways, the government was almost persuaded to complete the old National Road with rails and ties instead of broken stone.
Hand-broken stone is fairly out of date and is rarely used in America where any considerable amount of work is to be undertaken.
The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "broken stone" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.