The tactics and strategy displayed during the war with Russia showed originality in conception, brilliancy and daring.
A translation is like a diamond with the brilliancy removed, if we can imagine such a thing.
It had a spotless bluish blade, not unlike a petal of the blue lotus, and a beautiful hilt shining with brilliancy by the lustre of the jewels which adorned it.
In this manner even the brilliancy of royalty does not obstruct the way of salvation to those, whose mind has been seized by emotion.
Neither adversity nor the brilliancy of sovereign power can relax in the high-minded the virtue of compassion towards living beings.
One time, when that king, always directed by his indulgence in sensual pleasures, was staying in a beautiful and lonely arbour, he descended in his flaming brilliancy from the Brahma-world before his eyes.
The rich lustre of that mighty state, to conquer which the sons of Diti dared push forward against the impetuous advance of the world-elephants and expose their breasts to their pestle-like tusks, that brilliancy was his.
When they entered it, they added to it no less brilliancy by their gay shapes and the lovely groups they formed, taking possession of it.
For this reason, I do not desire even the brilliancy of the Lord of the Devas, how much less, that of a king of the earth.
Let thy rule, O king, derive its entire brilliancy from the lustre of thy meritorious actions; let it be relied upon by those who practise good actions, and be lovely by its purity.
Now once on the occasion of the Kaumudî-festival recurring in course of time, it happened that the Bodhisattva was desirous of contemplating the lovely beauty and the display of brilliancy in his capital.
It is the brilliancy of his virtues which is the cause thereof.
To those, whose mind has been seized by emotion[233], even the brilliancy of royalty does not obstruct the way to salvation.
He was petted with plenty of objects of celestial brilliancy standing at his disposal, and his father, who loved him much and bore him high esteem, was no more anxious about him, trusting he would be safe.
Then perceiving another sea, the water of which had a greenish colour like that proceeding from the united brilliancy of emeralds and beryls, they asked Supâraga: 20.
As I am now explaining matters, I may as well tell my readers some of the artifices that added material brilliancy to the second sight.
I had prolonged the conversation for the double purpose of giving more brilliancy to my experiment, and gaining time to make my researches.
Jets of gas, covered by opaque globes, were to be substituted on my stage for the thousands of candles, whose brilliancy is only intended to dazzle the spectators and thus injure the effect of the experiments.
I, therefore, ordered apparatus of unknown brilliancyin those days, spending in this every farthing I possessed.
Assured of success by the brilliancy of their début, M.
There I received my first notion of the natural brilliancy of the plumage of these birds: its golden sheen literally dazzled the eyes.
I stumbled out of the old dark, close-shuttered house into the burning brilliancy of the August day, giddy with passion and with hope.
The second movement forms a distinct and restful contrast and quiet background to the brilliancyof the first.
This led to some retaliating brilliancy from the young lady, and when the coach stopped at the next station their conversation had presumably become interesting enough to justify him in securing a seat nearer to her.
But the sun shone with dry Californian brilliancy over the league-long field around him, revealing every detail of the rancho with sharp, matter of fact directness, and without the least illusion of distance or romance.
No brilliancy more gorgeous or more ravishing than the play of light and shade, the rainbow shiftings and the fiery pinks and purples and embers and carmines of the sunset scenery--the gorgeous death-bed of the Day.
Caliph looking at this young lady owned that he had never sighted amongst his women aught fairer than this, a model of beauty and loveliness and brilliancy and perfect face and stature of symmetric grace.
This interesting constellation is situated south-east of Orion, and is universally known by the brilliancy of its principal star, Sirius, which is the largest and brightest in the heavens.
Achernar is a star of great brilliancy and beauty, but it cannot be seen in our latitude, having a southern declination of 58°.
It is the hammer-finisher's duty to see that each note in the whole instrument shall correspond in quality and brilliancy with the others.
Three small stars curve along the back, while four minute ones mark the ears, and are 5° south of Rigel, whose brilliancy obscures their lesser light.
The panache is an external quality which adds colour and brilliancy to internal things already worth having for their own intrinsic value.
Its brilliancywas such that it frightened not only those who were in the fields, but even those who were shut up in their houses.
There is in that mountain neither sun, nor moon, nor stars; it is so blue that the azure colour you see in the heavens comes from the brilliancy of the mountain of Kaf, which is reflected in the sky.
The ancients divided comets into different classes, the chief points of distinction being derived from the shape, length, andbrilliancy of the tails.
There are no stars of any brilliancy that we could now suppose referred to in these positions; but if we turn the zodiac through 60 deg.
They have an infinite capacity for what we call small talk and repartee; and, as they never aim for brilliancy and are quite natural and unaffected, their pretty ways have all the charm that an unconscious child's have.
When there are twenty or thirty floats, and half as many bands, the glitter and brilliancy of it all strikes even our satiated minds.
In fact, the parallel presents all the advantages on one side: and the jockey is as inferior to the postillion as the fitful glare of an ignis-fatuus is to the steady brilliancy of a gas-lamp.
The spots shine with exceptional brilliancy when the animal is withdrawn from the water and stimulated by a drop of ammonia.
He has suggested that the sudden outbreak in brilliancy might be accounted for on the same principles as those by which we explain the ignition of meteors in our atmosphere.
The brilliancy of the black ink has consequently been unwisely praised, for it is a triumph not of printing, but of painting.
Copses of birch and fragrant pine-woods afford shelter to a host of rare ferns and wild flowers, while the sides of the path are garlanded with dog-roses blooming with a profusion and brilliancy peculiar to the spot.
Wrangel saw the brilliancy diminish as he left the shores of the Polar Sea, about Mischne-Kolymsk.
How often have I explained to you, O Clayson, that your deplorable lack of education precludes you from the brilliancy to which you aspire?
There was a hard brilliancy in the sky that reminded the Frenchman of those Egyptian heavens when the earth seemed crushed beneath a bowl of molten fire.
Mrs. Clifford is an adroit writer, whose knowledge of the world and whose brilliancyhave not destroyed in her a simple tenderness to which every sensitive reader must respond.
To add to the brilliancy of the new life into which Kate now entered, there came into the port an English corvette--the Badger--for refitting.
She turned and met Feversham's scrutiny with the brilliancy rising in her eyes.
His work is particularly celebrated for the vividness and brilliancy of his descriptions.
It had the multiplied brilliancyof a virtuoso's piano playing.
I hung on my strap, fidgeting with impatience while we howled through the clashing darkness and flashed past the blurred brilliancy of the stations.
Do you remember what he says of the want of brilliancy in Priestley's moral sentiments?