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Example sentences for "breet"

Lexicographically close words:
breeding; breeds; breefe; breeks; breeng; breeth; breeze; breezed; breezeless; breezes
  1. From the date of the publication of Snaith Marsh to the close of the eighteenth century it is difficult to trace chronologically the progress of Yorkshire dialect poetry.

  2. The day after this episode Giles was in a fever and delirious, raving continually about the bonny face and 'breet een' of the being he had seen in the ravine.

  3. Ah's as sartain 'at there's a breet futur' befoore that bairn as ah is 'at we sall seean hev a chapil.

  4. All lukt breet an cheerful an th' supper wor on th' table, an Mally's face showed noa sign o' ill temper.

  5. Aw may weel be fond o' lukkin at it, for awve seen varry little o'th' breet en.

  6. Luk at th' breet side o' ivverything An varry sooin tha'll see, Whear providence has placed thi, Is whear tha owt to be.

  7. Aw truly mooast envy that man, Who's gladly devotin his leisure, To mak th' world as breet as he can, An add to its stock ov pure pleasure.

  8. Th' sun shone breet at early morn, Burds sang sweetly on the trees; Larks wor springin from the corn, Tender blossoms sowt the breeze.

  9. Thi face has turned a breet sky blue, Thi yure's a bottle green!

  10. They were birk-trees, an' their boles were that breet they fair glistened i' t' sunleet.

  11. Th' mooin wor as breet varry near as a sun, an' th' gas lamps lukt to burn wi a yallo blaze at shed noa leet.

  12. Th' ticket wor easy to read soa Billy paid him six francs an' walked away wi it in a breet green paper box, an' we turned back to us lodgins for him to put it on.

  13. We nivver see moonleet as breet as this at hooam, Billy.

  14. Squire Breet inclined his head slightly, as if to admit the correctness of Joe Digg's position.

  15. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "breet" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.