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Example sentences for "braze"

Lexicographically close words:
brayne; braynes; brays; braza; brazas; brazed; brazen; brazenly; brazenness; brazier
  1. The heat in the tongs will melt the silver and braze the two parts.

  2. The value of brazing: A knowledge of how to braze is most useful to any one working with the metals.

  3. Before attempting to braze either iron or steel the surfaces should be thoroughly cleaned by filing or grinding, etc.

  4. The heat produced by the lamp should be quite sufficient to braze the bottom bracket of a motor-cycle frame and other similar jobs.

  5. The heat required to braze cast-iron varies somewhat with the spelter used.

  6. Solder or braze the ends to the boiler body.

  7. Braze it in firmly, being very careful to make all the joints steam-tight.

  8. Cut a piece of the brass tube six and a half inches long, and braze one end of it into the hole in the top, as in Fig.

  9. Fit the end of this pipe into the hole in the bent tube and braze it in the following way.

  10. Now fit the floor of the boiler in its place, passing the end of the tube, fastened to the top of it, through the hole marked E in the top of the boiler, and projecting about half an inch, and braze it in.

  11. To braze the seams of a model boiler would require a forge fire, or a very powerful gas blast--too expensive for the amateur.

  12. Cut the hole for the steam dome, and let him braze it on at the same time.

  13. In case it is necessary to braze on the inside of a tube or any deep recess, the spelter may be placed on a flat rod long enough to reach to the farthest point.

  14. The construction of water jackets for this engine proved an exceedingly formidable task, it being impossible to braze the jackets directly to the walls of the cylinders without risk of ruining them.

  15. How could Dangloss or Braze or Quinnox say him nay?

  16. He is not afraid of Dangloss or Braze or Quinnox, but he is afraid of what he calls 'American luck!

  17. General Braze was at work with his men in the open city, clearing away the ugly signs of battle.

  18. If Tullis and General Braze were given a month or two longer, I doubt if we could succeed.

  19. The dazed groom's story hardly had been told to the horrified brother before he was engaged in telephoning to General Braze and Baron Dangloss.

  20. General Braze says his regulars can put down any sort of an uprising in the city," protested Quinnox.

  21. About the table sat the three regents and the other men high in the administration of affairs, among them General Braze of the Army, Baron Pultz of the Mines, Roslon of Agriculture.

  22. General Braze tore off his own epaulets and presented himself to Quinnox as a soldier of the file; lords and dukes, pages and ministers, followed the example of the head of the War Department.

  23. In talking with the Vicomte de Braze in the intervals of the dance, he had made some passing remark on her beauty.

  24. Ask Colonel Braze to report to me at the eastern gate with a detail of picked troopers--a hundred of them.

  25. One briefly informed him that General Braze was his successor as commander-in-chief of the army of Graustark.

  26. A moment later he was mounted and off for the eastern gates, there to direct the movements of Colonel Braze and his scouts.

  27. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "braze" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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