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Example sentences for "braccia"

Lexicographically close words:
boyling; boys; boystrous; braave; brac; braccio; brace; braced; bracelet; bracelets
  1. The division for the men in this place is in the form of a cross, and extends 160 braccia in all directions; and that of the women is the same.

  2. John the Baptist; and in the house of the Medici he painted for the elder Lorenzo three figures of Hercules in three pictures, each five braccia in height.

  3. Mary Magdalene in Penitence, three braccia and a half in height and beautifully proportioned, and revealing the muscles in such a manner as to show that he had a very good knowledge of anatomy.

  4. A square framework was made of planks, about two braccia in height, with four stout legs at the corners, contrived after the manner of the trestles of a table, and fastened together with cross-pieces.

  5. Cristopher ten braccia in height, a very beautiful work executed in a modern manner, the figure being better proportioned than any other of that size that had been made up to that time.

  6. Let the manger be at 2 braccia from the ground, to the bottom of the rack, 3 braccia, and the top of it 4 braccia.

  7. To support this entablature there were ten large columns of the same height as the pillars, three braccia thick above their bases which were one braccia and a half high.

  8. If the weight of the sea bears on its bottom, a man, lying on that bottom and having l000 braccia of water on his back, would have enough to crush him.

  9. It enters 7 1/2 braccia in the house of Mariolo.

  10. Trinità two Rivers of clay, each five braccia high, the Rhine to stand for Germany and the Danube for Hungary.

  11. Having then gone to Rome, he received from Buonarroti a commission to make two figures of marble, each five braccia high, for the tomb of Julius II, which was finished and erected at that time by Michelagnolo in S.

  12. In this space were two doors, one on either side, through which one entered into the chapel; and above the doors was a space of five braccia between one niche and another, wherein were to be carved scenes in marble.

  13. Benedetto also executed, in competition with Jacopo Sansovino and Baccio Bandinelli, as has been related, one of the Apostles, four and a half braccia in height, for S.

  14. John the Baptist of marble, three braccia high, by the hand of Donatello, which was left by him in the house of Gismondo Martelli, as has been related in the Life of Donatello himself.

  15. The bishop induced them to partly demolish these towers, and solemnly vow never to carry them above the height of thirty-six braccia (about one hundred feet), as previously decreed by the patent of Henry IV.

  16. And then I executed for the high-altar of the church an altar-picture eight braccia high, containing the Madonna presenting the Infant Jesus Christ to Simeon in the Temple, with a new invention.

  17. How to draw a Figure twenty-four Braccia high, upon a Wall twelve Braccia high.

  18. How to draw a Figure standing upon its Feet, to appear forty Braccia high, in a Space of twenty Braccia, with proportionate Members.

  19. At the head and foot of this drawing is to be read the description which begins thus: Tanto apre l'Uomo nelle braccia quanto e la sua altezza, &c.

  20. How many braccia high is the level of the walls?

  21. Then, by the same method, represent a second tree, and a third, with a distance of a hundred braccia between each.

  22. If it is only as far off as your own height, there will be a great difference between the first braccia and the second.

  23. And thus the Black Sea must have sunk about 1000 braccia to uncover such vast plains.

  24. The masonry must be solid, and must leave no vacant space up to the height of five braccia and a quarter; the buttresses being then continued, the arches will be separated.

  25. Giovan Francesco painted a picture in oils three braccia in breadth and two in height, of the Conversion of S.

  26. The same Giovan Francesco made a very beautiful woman in bronze, two braccia in height, representing one of the Graces, who was pressing one of her breasts; but it is not known what became of it, nor in whose possession it is to be found.

  27. Opposite to that, where there are the three windows that look out over the Piazza, there were four spaces, but not wider than about three braccia each.

  28. And in two niches that are at the sides, in the other two walls of the chapel, there are on two bases two upright figures of marble in the round, each of three braccia or little more; these being S.

  29. For the Chapel of the Sacrament the same master has made the candelabra of bronze about three braccia in height, covered with foliage and figures cast in the round, which are so well wrought that they are things to marvel at.

  30. When he was himself again he bought a large piece of marble, that had for many years been exposed to the wind and rain, and carved a Hercules out of it, four braccia high, that was ultimately sent into France.

  31. We inform your Lordship that he has begun a story for the Republic which will be admirable, and also XII Apostles, each 4-1/2 to 5 braccia high, which will be remarkable.

  32. Niccolò afterwards painted a picture three braccia in height of the same M.

  33. Trinità he made a large and very beautiful figure, seven braccia high, while another was executed in competition with him by Toto del Nunziata, who had already been his rival in boyhood.

  34. By Andrea's hand also is the marble Madonna, three and a half braccia high with the child at her neck, which is over the altar of the little church and company of the Misericordia on the piazza of S.

  35. The nave is 72 braccia high, and the aisles 48.

  36. On this surface he laid 12 braccia of concrete, the remaining 8 braccia being filled up with masonry.

  37. Whilst Bruno was engaged upon these works, a rustic desired him to do a St Christopher, and they made an agreement at Florence, the terms being that the price should be eight florins, and the figure should be twelve braccia high.

  38. John the Evangelist seated, four braccia high, and clothed in a simple garment: which figure is much extolled.

  39. Then on the outer side there must be another vault, which must be two braccia and a half thick at the base, in order to protect the inner one from the rain.

  40. This chapel is supported by four marble columns about nine braccia high, made with double flutings in the Corinthian manner, with the bases and capitals variously carved and with double members.

  41. Afterwards the library was made, eighty braccia in length and eighteen in breadth, and vaulted both above and below, with sixty-four shelves of cypress wood filled with most beautiful books.

  42. In another, which is about three braccia in height, Domenico made a full-length Madonna with the Child between her knees, a little S.

  43. The Hall, namely, that part which is rectangular, without counting the works of Bandinelli and Ammanati, is ninety braccia in length and thirty-eight braccia in breadth.

  44. This church, then, the architect of which was Antonio di Giorgio of Settignano, was forty braccia long and twenty wide.

  45. For the above-named Catholic King he has executed a Christ in marble, more than three braccia high, with the Cross and with other Mysteries of the Passion, which is much extolled.

  46. From this level rose facades of five braccia and a half, with the proper cornices above and below, and also at the corners, leaving space for four pictures, one in the centre of each.

  47. Ciriaco sul Monte a very beautiful ornament in stucco for the altar-piece of the high-altar, and within it a Christ of five braccia in full-relief, which was much extolled.

  48. Pietro; where, falling from a staging sixty braccia high, and shattering himself, he escaped with his life by a miracle.

  49. But I have found that as a rule the second is 4/5 of the first when it is 20 braccia beyond it.

  50. For instance: Look at a man at a distance of 300 braccia and judge attentively whether he be handsome or ugly, or very remarkable or of ordinary appearance.

  51. If you wish to draw a figure or any other object to look 24 braccia high you must do it in this way.

  52. It is easy to understand that if 2 objects equal to each other are placed side by side the one at 3 braccia distance looks smaller than that placed at 2 braccia.

  53. This should be 3 braccia and a half high and 3 braccia wide; 7 braccia distant from you and 1 braccio from the model.

  54. Maria del Fiore in Florence, four braccia high and facing the place where the Orphans now dwell.

  55. Christopher, they came to an agreement in Florence and arranged a contract in this fashion, that the price should be eight florins and that the figure should be twelve braccia high.

  56. The ornamental frame of this altar is thirteen braccia high, and the predella is two braccia high.

  57. Giovanni in Florence; which was a work much praised in those times, and above all because he accompanied it with two angels, one on either side, each two braccia and a half high.

  58. Donatus, Bishop and Protector of that city, and in a coffer of variegated marble, three braccia long, which I have had restored, are the bones of four Saints.

  59. In Chapter CCCI he shows us how to draw a figure twenty-four braccia high upon a wall twelve braccia high.

  60. But I find it is a rule that the second is reduced to four-fifths the size of the first when it is twenty braccia distant from it.

  61. Then proceed in the same way with a second and a third tree, at distances of a hundred braccia from each other.

  62. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "braccia" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.