The service is, that when the boyled rice and other victuals are brought to the Temple door by others, he takes it and presents it before the Idol.
For Herbs to boyl and eat with Butter they have excellent good ones, and several sorts: some of them are six months growing to maturity, the stalk as high as a man can reach, and being boyledalmost as good as Asparagus.
The next day the Pepper is taken out, and washed clean, and then boyled in fair water with a sower fruit they call Goraca, which we shall speak of by and by.
They unshale their Rice from its outward husk by beating it in a Mortar, or on the Ground more often; but some of these sorts of Rice must first be boyled in the husk, otherwise in beating it will break to powder.
The ordinary Caudle for Women in Child-bed, is Goraca boyled in water with Pepper and Ginger.
One of his eyes being taken out of his head was more than a cart with six horses could draw; the Oyl being boyled out of his head was Parmacittee.
Then if the lottes doo fall out vnto their content, they doo make vnto them great feastes with musicke and songes of great praise, and doo offer vnto them geese, duckes, and boyled rise.
Therefore it is profitably applyed in filthy vlcers, being boyled and annoynted vpon.
The honny alsoboyled both better nourishe than the rawe, yet lesse mouing the belly to solublenesse, and to the stoole.
After that the honny with the waxe muste be boyled togither, as hereafter shall be taught.
The Aromaticke honny much auayleth in sundrie diseases, being thus prepared, as the pure redde Rose leaues finely clipped, and after boyled in pure white honnie, being often and diligentlye skymmed.
In these the Liquor is boyled with a strong Coal-fire, twenty four hours or more, according to the strength or weakness of the Lee or Water.
Boyled eggs must never be cooked in the frying pan, and when fried eggs are ordered the cook must remember not to scramble them.
Brekfist must be reddy at all hours, and shall consist of boyled eggs or something else.
Mollie, "if you must steal something, steal a boyled egg.
If you must steel something steel the boyled eggs, because I don't like boyled eggs anyhow.
That every year sacks full of violets are sent from Marseilles to Alexandria and other parts of Egypt, "where they use them boyled in water which only by their religion they are enjoined to drinke.
The golden flowers of mullein[115] "boyled in lye dyeth the haires of the head yellow and maketh them faire and smooth.
The kittle was full with the scraping of the rocks, which soone after it boyled became like starch, black and clammie & easily to be swallowed.
And happy was he that could gett what the other did throw away after it had ben boyled 3 or foure times to gett the substance out of it.
He brings her to the cottages & made so much by giving her some luckwarme water, which he boyled with flower & grease, that she came to herselfe entirely againe.
They tooke some of this stinking meate and boyled it in a cleare watter, then mingled a litle Indian meale put to it, which meale before was tossed amongst bourning sand, and then made in powder betwixt two rocks.
I became speechlesse oftentimes; then they gave me watter wherin they boyled a certain herbe that the gunsmiths use to pollish their armes.
The 2nd day att evening after we landed & boyled an horiniack which we killed.
There we roasted some meat and boyled meale; after, we rested ourselves a while from the many labours of the former night.
When God kindles such fires as these, hee doth not usually quench them, till the very scum on the pot sides be boyled cleane away, Ezek.
There is also fleshe and fishe rosted, boyled and baked, Pies and Custardes made of diuers sortes of egges, the great quantitie of bread is without number.
They went very poorely clothed, yea and the most of their treasure was an earthë potte, wherein theyboyled theyr herbes, a couple of Milstones to grinde their Corne, and a matte to lye vppon.
Perfect Directions for the A-la-mode Ways of dressing all manner of Boyled Meats, with their several sauces, &c.
The Fox may be boyled in fresh or salt water with annise and time, and with his skin on whole, and not slit, or else his head cut off, there being added to the decoction two pintes of oyle.
They are usuallyboyled and taken as they eat Sparagus or they may be made into a conserve.
Stancheth blood: boyledin oyl is good to annoynt a weary traveller: inwardly it provokes lust.
The root boyled in vinegar is good against the Shingles, and appeaseth the rage of any fretting sores.
Winter savory and summer savory both expell wind gallantly, and that (they say) is the reason why they are boyled with Pease and Beans and other such windy things; 'tis a good fashion and pitty it should be left.
Hoofe of an Oxe cut into parings and boyled with bruised mustard-seed in white wine and faire water.
The seeds of Rue and the leaves of Betony boyled together in white wine.
We watered at the Canaries, we traded with the Salvages at Dominica; three weekes we spent in refreshing our selues amongst these west-India Isles; in Gwardalupa we found a bath so hot, as in it we boyled Porck as well as over the fire.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "boyled" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.