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Example sentences for "blode"

Lexicographically close words:
blocks; blockships; blocky; blocs; blod; blody; bloke; blokes; blond; blonde
  1. Wiche emboldeth me to call uppon you now; and also remembrynge the honour of the offyce doynge and the neighnesse of blode that ye be of to me, I thenke no person so convenable to ocupye in myn absence as you.

  2. And be cause my seyd Lord Norffolk ys so nere of blode to yowr hyghnesse knyghted, that meevyd me to be the more wyllyng to condescend to the forseyd purchasse, and so trustyng your Lordshyp wold be ryght well pleased wyth alle.

  3. Howe he ambycion, and gyleful Couetyse With innocent blode his handes dyd defyle But howbeit that fortune on hym dyd smyle Two yere or thre: yet god sende hym punysshment By his true seruant the rede Rose redolent.

  4. Serien contree with the blode of a maner shelfisshe that men finden in Tyrie, with whiche blode men deyen purpur.

  5. Hit cometh by kynde of gentil blode To cast away al heuynes And gadre to-gidre wordes good The werk of wisedom berith witnes Et sic est finis ****.

  6. Of kinges blode of Perse is she descended; I seye nat that she hadde most fairnesse, But of hir shape she mighte nat been amended.

  7. When the mone is in Ariete, it is not gode, but vtterly to be exshewed, both for seke And disesid, for to shafe theire hede or to boist in the eris or in the nek; nor loke thou let no blode in the vayn of the hede.

  8. Take Pork, and rost it tyl the blode be tryed out & þe broth [1].

  9. Lyour of crustes of brede & of þe blode of þe Swan ysoden.

  10. Take the blode of pykes oþer of conger and nyme [1] the paunches of pykes.

  11. If þou wilt have blak do þerto blode ysode and fryed.

  12. Take Hares and hewe hem to gobettes and seeþ hem with þe blode unwaisshed in broth.

  13. O grounde ungracious, unhappy be thy fame, Whiche wert endyed with rede blode of the same!

  14. Tha eode h['e] eft ongean to dhaes halgan martyres byrgenne, and funde his spere standan mid blode begleddod.

  15. For the blode by reason of the bawme draweth to the brayne and thereabout is chauffed.

  16. And lykewise is the brayne brent and parched and is the quantyte of mommye and so the blode is mroeued in the rydge of the backe.

  17. My lord useth yerely to sende for the upholding of the light of waxe, which his lordschip fynds byrnynge yerely before the Holy Blode of Hailles, containing xvj lb.

  18. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "blode" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.