It was one of those afternoons which intrude on the bleakness of winter with a false but none the less agreeable intimation that Spring is on its way.
There was a bleakness about the situation which made one gasp.
The east wind died away, and the sun shone fitfully with a suggestion of warmth, but her uncle's bleakness appeared to be a static quality, independent of weather conditions.
The sheer bleaknessof the face of the moon gripped his imagination.
He looked away, staring into thebleakness of Arzachel.
From the bleakness of the last seven years, she had awakened with revived emotions.
Something of bleakness had crept into the prospect, its gay greenness was giving place to an austere pallor of tint, a dry economy of vegetation.
In the pause that followed I could have sworn that Sundry Buyers was pressing his hands against his abdomen, while Nancy, infinite bleakness freezing upon his face, was wetting his lips to begin.
It was almost midnight; shadows shivered under the electric lights and the village streets were empty; a prickling drift of snow sifted past the blue bleakness of the windows.
The high stoop had no railing, and the pebbles which collected on the coarse granite steps added to the general bleakness of the entrance.
There is a general colorlessness and bleakness about the outside look of life, and in artistic matters a wide-spread manifestation of the very same creative spirit that designs our kerosene-lamp models, for instance, at home.
There is a bleakness about buying one's house built; in fact, a man cannot really possess anything unless he has an organised receptivity--a conception of its utilities that has come from long need.
Even the faces of the Wagogo seemed to have contracted a bleak hue from the general bleakness around.
There was a cold glare of intense sunshine over the valley, probably the effect of an universal bleakness or an autumnal ripeness of the grass, unrelieved by any depth of colour to vary the universal sameness.
One morning broke raw and black with an icy rain falling, and young Sampson arriving in the early bleakness to attend to his duties at the cottage, presented a picture of human distress to move the most hardened to pity.
The warmth of the room was very agreeable in contrast to the bleakness of out-doors.