It was usual in those Times, when any one carried a more than ordinary Gloominess in his Features, to tell him that he looked like one just come out of Trophonius's Cave.
For the English are naturally fanciful, and very often disposed by that Gloominess and Melancholy of Temper, which is so frequent in our Nation, to many wild Notions and Visions, to which others are not so liable.
Ned leaned against his friend, looking soberly at Trafford's rapt face, and wondering where all the man's grimness and gloominess had gone.
I will here state that as the doctors have a name for every degree and kind of mental derangement, mine was termed by them melancholy--a state of gloominess that some would term hypochondria.
He approved of Greif's wish to do so, and admired his courage, but at the same time he saw the utter desolation and gloominess of the life in store for him if he persisted in his intention.
He was somewhat startled: probably the gloominess of the spot made him more liable to alarm than usual; however this might be, he now stopped Michael, and bade him call to the person in the avenue.
Montoni, though the severity of his temper and the gloominess of his pride prevented him from enjoying such festivities, was extremely willing to promote them.
A gloominess in religion renders one part of them very barbarous, and an enthusiasm in politics so transports the genteeler part, that they sacrifice to party almost every consideration of tenderness.
The personal obscurity of Mr. Boyse might perhaps not be altogether owing to his habits of gloominess and retirement.
John Paterson has forgotten to add, that the gloominess of which he complains, was in strict conformity with the teachings of the most able, the most energetic, and the most venerated of the Scotch clergy.
No doubt, so abject, and so pernicious, a superstition among the people, was the result of 'the general gloominess of their faith.
Heavily freighted rain-clouds are hovering over the mountains next morning and adding to the gloominess of the gorge, which, just east of Echo City, contracts again and proceeds eastward under the name of Echo Gorge.
The variegated costumes of the women are the only bright objects amid the gloominess of the dark green pines.
Some of Mr. Lincoln's literary tastes indicated strongly his prevailing gloominess of mind.
When any fit of anxiety, or gloominess or perversion of the mind, lays hold upon you, make it a rule not to publish it by complaints, but exert your whole care to hide it; by endeavouring to hide it you will drive it away.
Her last letter contained a request to send her a thousand roubles to Yalta as quickly as possible, and ended with these words: "Excuse thegloominess of this letter; yesterday I buried my child.
Stephen and Kennedy, who apparently considered the gloominess of the surrounding names required some relief.
Well, Gabrielle, you need not complain of the gloominess of this room just now,†Miss Vaux said.
Then, though we were generally a very quiet household, with a drop or two of gloominess coming from .
Perhaps my religion may, in some degree, account for my seeming gloominess and indifference; but these have arisen quite as much from home sorrows and disappointments, and the coldness and cruelty I have experienced from others.
He had become so accustomed to look on the dark side of men and things, that he had gained for himself a settled character of gloominess and suspicion, and had quite lost sight of the Apostolic precept--"Be courteous.
Deep groans forced their way from his oppressed heart--he cursed his existence, and seemed resolutely bent, in thegloominess of his despair, to shake it off and free himself from sufferings so intolerable.
Whether this disappointment had any effect on Lovat we cannot tell, but he never became expert at his trade, and was distinguished for his gloominess and silence.
Except this gloominess and his great attention to religious exercises, nothing remarkable was noticed about Lovat until July, 1802.