He produces ED to K, so that DK = EC, and DE to L so that EL = CD; LK is then a straight line bisected at C.
How she hated that dreary, cold, flat land the road bisected without end.
This arc bisected and the half laid off from 60 deg.
These microscopes were fixed so that their cross-wires respectively bisected the dots 0 and 128, which were supposed to be diametrically opposite.
If not, as will almost always be the case, the distance between the marks is carefully bisected by hand with the aid of a magnifying glass.
Since his return, Percival had painted on a large piece of canvas a fairly accurate outline map of the bisected island as it had appeared to him from the top of the mountain.
Percival's finger was levelled at the top of the higher half of the bisected mountain.
As the sound of the washing waves boomed from the speaker, the cone of bluish light took form before the bisected shell.
Simultaneously, Sutter slid forward into the bisected shell as the cone of light vanished after him.
Half inside, half outside the cone of blue light he seemed propelled into the depths of the bisected shell by an irresistible force.
His face was emotionless as he looked beyond the light into the bisected shell.
Sutter picked up the bisected shell and went into the sitting room.
Under the magnifying glass the chambers in the bisected shell suddenly became more than outgrowths of marine organism.
The bisected shell appeared to be a spinal univalve, resembling the familiar cephalopoda, nautilus, with thin septa dividing the many chambers.
The basket of shells was still on the shelf, but the newspaper wrappings were loosened, and the bisected shell was entirely free of covering.
Two bisected bladders, which had been previously left for 21 hrs.
Three bisected bladders were also irrigated with a fresh infusion of raw meat; and to my surprise the quadrifids in one of them appeared, after 23 hrs.
Three bisected bladders were also irrigated with a fresh solution of urea of the same strength; their quadrifids after 21 hrs.
Three bisected bladders, after being examined, were irrigated with a putrid and very offensive infusion of raw meat.
Two new Antiphases will thus be formed, each of which may be bisected in the same manner; and so bisection, with the formation of successive new Antiphases, may proceed without end (p.
An even number is that which may be bisected, where bisected means divisible by two, itself one among the even numbers[283]).
A half column; a column bisected longitudinally, or along its axis.
Both sides of the Rhine were originally occupied by the Gallic tribes, whose villages were in some instances bisected by the river.
Nordland province, which is bisected by the Arctic Circle; over 50 per cent.
These lines cut off a part of ET--AB, which is now bisected in C, and from C the line CD is drawn parallel to AM.
This line is bisected in M, which constitutes the "mid-point.
The two segments of the base line EP and PS are bisected in N and R respectively, and these points connected with the mid-point (M) by lines NM and RM.
The professors of this latter may be bisected into two sorts--hunters and exchangers.
Hunters of tame animals are bisected into such as hunt by violent means (robbers, enslavers, despots, &c.
Thus the class Artists is bisected into Constructive--Acquisitive.
The screw of microscope I was then turned till its cross-hair bisected the division marked 3.
This was done by setting the eye-piece approximately to the expected deflection, and turning the whole micrometer about a vertical axis till the cross-hair bisected the circular field of light reflected from the revolving mirror.
The image was bisected by the cross-hair, and kept as nearly as possible in this place, meantime counting the number of seconds required for the image of the revolving mirror to complete 60 oscillations.
Then the screw was turned till the cross-hair bisected the deflected image of the slit.
Like a great jade bowl, bisected by the silver line of a stream, its wide green circle, miles in diameter, lay within a broad ring of purple chaparral.
In this, the dry season, the giant bowl of jade was transmuted by sun-scorched grasses into living amber bisected by a thin, green veining along the stream.
Here a steep bluff broke through the bottom land to the river's edge, the base of the bisected point being washed by the Cumberland River, which had probably cut its way through the stony mineral of this ridge in ages long passed.
The motion was like that of an uncoiling serpent bisected lengthwise, the two halves of the body seeming to slide against each other.
It is the bisected edge of the earth crevice," he said.
The traditional hydra with its reanimating heads was nothing to this scientific hydra, which, when bisected bodily, rises up calmly as two whole bodies.
But whatever their number, the chromosomes are always exactly bisected before the cell divides, one-half being apportioned to each of the two cells resulting from the division.
Roberts, in laying down the conditions which should be fulfilled by a good photographic telescope, says that a star should remain bisected by a thread in the eyepiece for two minutes at a time.
Outside this position the image changes to an arrow-head, the point of which is directed toward the axis, and this image can be very accurately bisected by the right ascension thread.
At the bottom the trail was bisected by a shallow stream making its way over a stony bed to the river.
At one place, where a hill is crossed, the largest of the woods shows itself bisected by the high-way, as the head of thick hair is bisected by the white line of its parting.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "bisected" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word. Other words: branching; cleft; cloven; divided; forked; split