But sweeter than yon birchen tree, Or gowans gaily blooming, Is she, in blushing modesty, Wha meets me there at gloaming.
The sweet calm sunshine of October, now Warms the low spot; upon its grassy mould The purple oak-leaf falls; the birchen bough Drops its bright spoil like arrow-heads of gold.
It was a hundred years ago, When, by the woodland ways, The traveller saw the wild-deer drink, Or crop the birchen sprays.
She made it into cakes of various forms, in birchen molds, and sometimes in hollow canes or reeds, and the bills of ducks and geese.
So we painted two or three of our number with white clay and put on them birchen hats which we sewed up for the occasion; fastened a piece of fur to their chins for a beard and altered their costumes as much as lay within our power.
Now one of the birchen basins was set under each tree, and a hardwood chip driven deep into the cut which the axe had made.
The sap was collected by the women in tin or birchen buckets and poured into the canoes, from which the kettles were kept filled.
Conceal yourself in a convenient place as soon as you observe any signs of the presence of either, and then call with yourbirchen doe-caller.
The birchen canoes were pierced, and in the excitement many were capsized.
Little troughs of basswood and birchen basins were also made to receive the sweet drops as they trickled from the tree.
To thee at thy birchen Altar, with true Spartan Devotion, I have sacrificed my Blood.
And it is not surprising to learn that here, as he himself tells us, his vigorous energies made acquaintance with that 'birchen altar' at which most of the best blood in England has been disciplined.
When this was done, everything was studiously restored to its former disorder; and then Hawkeye succeeded in reaching his little birchen vessel, without leaving behind him any of those marks which he appeared so much to dread.
Tis a canoe of good birchen bark, and paddled by fierce and crafty Mingos.
She usually sat in a convenient place in the congregation, with a little birchen rod in her hand, and kept little children in awe from disturbing the congregation.
Even the fairy lore of my first-formed library--that of the birchen box--had impressed me less.
Although beer is now seldom made from birchen twigs, yet it is by no means an uncommon practice in some country districts to tap the white trunks of Birches, and collect the sweet sap which exudes from them for wine-making purposes.
By this hand I'le cry Brooms in't, birchen Brooms Sir, Before I eat one bit from your benevolence.
Then Osmotar called one of the Kalevala maidens and bade her step into the birchen tub.
So Osmotar made the Kalevala maiden get into the birchen tub once more, and this time the maiden found a chip upon the bottom.
And all this time his knee was bleeding, so that the blood was enough to fill seven huge birchen pots.
It is better to drink clear water from a birchen cup in one's own home, than in foreign lands to drink the richest liquors from the golden beakers of strangers.
The early frosts brought those pale leaves down, Ere the storms of winter came; And stripp'd and bare stood my birchen tree, But a wreck to tell its name.
It stood alone on the green hill side, That fairybirchen tree, Its yellow leaves in the autumn breeze Were flutt'ring heavily.
They knew each one by name, and perhaps some of their cows were named Rose, Birchen Bough, and Morning Pride like the cows in the old rhyme.
It was now about the middle of June, and some fifty birchen canoes have just been launched upon the waters of Green Bay.
Let me now my halls examine; Make the bridal chambers ready, Finest linen on my tables, Softest furs upon my benches, Birchen flooring scrubbed to whiteness, All my rooms in perfect order.
Knight who on the birchentree Carved his savage heraldry?
No bird-song floated down the hill, The tangled bank below was still; No rustle from the birchen stem, No ripple from the water's hem.
O sacred flowers of faith and hope, As sweetly now as then Ye bloom on many a birchen slope, In many a pine-dark glen.
Some home amid yonbirchen trees Shall drape its door with woe; And slowly where the Dead Ship sails, The burial boat shall row!
How stretched the birchen shadows, Braiding in long, wind-wavered lines The westward sloping meadows!
When he had reached the shore he went up into a birchen copse, and made the lions lie quiet.
After another eight days the same thing happened, and this time Boots stuck out his birchen pin.
Below, however, were still fresh meadows, twinkling birchen groves and comfortable farm-houses.
The sun was intensely hot in the enclosed valley, and we found the shade of the birchen groves very grateful.
Namsos, at the head of the fjord, is a red-roofed town of a few hundred inhabitants, with a pleasant background of barley-fields and birchen groves.
I said to my Indian, and swept the birchen craft out into the deep and steady current.
But I laughed at him and saw his broad paddle stab the water, and the birchen craft shoot out among the reeds.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "birchen" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.