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Example sentences for "biographies"

Lexicographically close words:
biograph; biographer; biographers; biographic; biographical; biographique; biography; biologic; biological; biologically
  1. The biographies of monarchs are rarely separable from the histories of their reigns, and these letters are regarded accordingly.

  2. At the head of all biographies stands the Great Biography, the Book of Books.

  3. Great works of fiction abound, but great biographies may be counted on the fingers.

  4. We never feel personally interested in masses of men; but we feel and sympathise with the individual actors, whose biographies afford the finest and most real touches in all great historical dramas.

  5. It was to the sincere--it might almost be said the reverential--admiration of Johnson by Boswell, that we owe one of the best biographies ever written.

  6. I read all biographies with intense interest.

  7. But this condition has been wanting in some of the best writers of biographies extant.

  8. There are half a hundred biographies extant--new ones being written every day--and any one of them may be consulted as to the manner of life William Shakespeare's was.

  9. If Damon and Pythias were friends, let it appear from the biographies of Damon, as well as from the biographies of Pythias.

  10. As illustrations of lines of growth in divine figures we may take brief biographies of some of the greater gods.

  11. The stories fall into more or less well-defined groups, and of the Coyote and, less definitely, of certain other personages biographies might be written.

  12. As gods and heroes are the actors in mythical constructions of society, the stories in such constructions generally assume the form of anecdotal biographies of these personages.

  13. Biographies of big cowmen and history based on genuine research.

  14. Biographies of men who were characters as well as scientists, generally in environments alien to their interests.

  15. Biographies of regional characters, stories turning on local customs, novels based on an isolated society, books of history and fiction going back to provincial simplicity will go on being written and published.

  16. This book almost heads the list of all biographies of western men.

  17. Geology and economics are beyond the aim of this Guide, but if oil money keeps on buying up ranch land, the history of modern ranching will be resolved into the biographies of a comparatively few oilmen.

  18. Few full-length biographies of big operators among cowmen have been written.

  19. The tiresome thumping on the hero theme present in many biographies of frontiersmen is entirely absent.

  20. Mr. Helps is rendering a substantial service to history and to popular literature, by this re-cast and republication of biographies from his greater work on the 'Spanish Conquest of America.

  21. The biographies of De Celano and Bonaventura are suffused and interpenetrated with exceeding reverence for the founder of the Friars Minor.

  22. Miss Yonge has made a selection of biographies of eminent missionaries, with a view of exhibiting the scope and progress of modern English Protestant missions.

  23. Saints, too, being in great repute, their biographies were written in profusion, and with an indifference to truth which usually characterizes that species of composition.

  24. Indeed, we have only to open the biographies and correspondence of that time, to find instances crowding upon us from all quarters.

  25. I don't mean to discourage you, because I believe you have it in you to make a novel that would be as interesting as half the biographies that are written.

  26. The life of Atticus, the friend and correspondent of Cicero, is the one of the biographies regarding which the doubts have been least.

  27. The time-honored stories of exploration and the biographies of heroes are left out.

  28. First, there is the primary book, which is usually a very condensed narrative with emphasis on biographies and anecdotes.

  29. Sir Joshua Reynolds [Illustration: Gainsborough] Most biographies are written with intent either to make the man a demigod or else to damn him as a rogue who has hoodwinked the world.

  30. Of those who have written biographies for the sake of belittling their subject, John Gait's "Life of Byron" occupies a conspicuous position.

  31. Izaak Walton wrote some of his most interesting biographies in his eighty-fifth year, and edited a poetical work at ninety.

  32. The third of these biographies is the “Life of James Buchanan.

  33. Harper & Brothers have added to the biographies of eminent Americans three very valuable works.

  34. Each decade since he died has produced at least two biographies of him.

  35. He was familiar with the biographies of Chopin, Beethoven, Schumann, and Wagner.

  36. He would have made an excellent "literary" teacher of music, interesting men in the biographies of great musicians, and interpreting for them the mysteries of orchestra and opera.

  37. The printer had mixed the biographies of the Bishop of Oxford and Robert Owen the Socialist in such a way that Bishop Wilberforce was called "a sceptic as it regards religious revelation.

  38. Doubtless both biographies had been approved by their subjects, but apparently no proof was read after the fatal telescoping of the two articles.

  39. This series of biographies is accordingly intended to form a sort of gallery, a museum of the great servants of Art, Science, Thought and Action.

  40. Even one who confines his reading solely to biographies of thinkers, writers, inventors, poets of the spirit or poets of science, will in a short time have acquired an understanding of the whole History of Humanity.

  41. Accurate biographies record narratives which no romancer's imagination could hope to rival.

  42. For this and other biographies see Waldersee.

  43. The same source lies at the bottom of the imperial biographies and Jordanes; but both have disfigured and falsified it to such a degree that use can be made of their statements only with great caution.

  44. These biographies are by no means confined to virtuous statesmen or heroic generals, as we might very reasonably have expected.

  45. Part V consists of biographies of the most eminent men who came to the front during the whole period covered.

  46. This work is entitled Biographies of Eminent Women, and it fills four extra-large volumes, containing 310 lives in all.

  47. By reading short biographies a few clear ideas may be formed in the pupil's mind, which may stimulate to further reading.

  48. The object of this series of Historical Biographies is to try and select from English History a few men whose lives were lived in stirring times.

  49. Some biographies narrate a story of an interview between Hafiz and the invader Timur.

  50. Those biographies that are lived by no one are called "official.

  51. The natural thing would be to say that the appearances of a given (momentary) thing in two different perspectives belonging to different biographies are to be taken as simultaneous; but this is not convenient.

  52. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "biographies" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.