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Example sentences for "betokeneth"

Lexicographically close words:
betided; betideth; betimes; betoken; betokened; betokening; betokens; betony; betook; betooke
  1. That which is intended by ‘Revelation of God’ is the Tree of divine Truth that betokeneth none but Him, and it is this divine Tree that hath raised and will raise up Messengers, and hath revealed and will ever reveal Scriptures.

  2. And the table of the title they made of olive; for olive betokeneth peace, as the story of Noe witnesseth; when that the culver brought the branch of olive, that betokened peace made between God and man.

  3. This apple betokeneth the lordship that he had over all the world, that is round.

  4. For the way on the right hand betokeneth the high way of our Lord Jesu Christ, and the way of a true good liver.

  5. And the other way betokeneth the way of sinners and of misbelievers.

  6. Now the moon betokeneth our mortal life and the decay of our mortality.

  7. When Christ came to the city of Jericho, which betokeneth the moon, the blind man received sight.

  8. But if the wind arise at the rising of the sun, then it betokeneth great dearth among beasts and cattle this year.

  9. And she that rode upon the serpent signifieth the old law, and that serpent betokeneth a fiend.

  10. Also I may say you, the Castle of Maidens betokeneth the good souls that were in prison afore the Incarnation of Jesu Christ.

  11. And they with the covering of white betokeneth virginity, and they that chosen chastity.

  12. The earthly knights were they, the which were clothed all in black, and the covering betokeneth the sins whereof they be not confessed.

  13. If ye saye it betokeneth love and charite, certes, than ye be 55 ofte ypocrites, whan ony of you hateth other, and in that, that ye wollen be said holy by youre clothinge.

  14. What betokeneth youre grete hood, your scaplerye, youre 50 knotted girdel, and youre wyde cope?

  15. What betokeneth that ye go tweyne and tweyne +togeder?

  16. Margarite, a woman, betokeneth grace, lerning, or wisdom of god, or els holy church.

  17. What betokeneth that ye been clothed all in one maner clothinge?

  18. Right so a jewel 100 betokeneth a gemme, and that is a stoon vertuous or els a perle.

  19. What betokeneth that ye have ordeined, that when such oon as ye have mad youre brother or sister, and hath a letter of your sele, that letter +mot be brought in youre holy chapter and 260 there be red; or els ye will not praye for him?

  20. To change with every change of affairs betokeneth an unstable heart.

  21. For to be ever adding money to money, and never to curb the passion for it, but insatiably to covet more and more, betokeneth the extreme of poverty.

  22. Furthermore, the fiery cruel dragon betokeneth the maw of hell that is hungry to receive those who choose present pleasures rather than future blessings.

  23. Of itselfe 1, It betokeneth strength, bouldenes with hardenes.

  24. Besides, to have his sins forgiven betokeneth an act of grace; but grace and works as to this are opposite (Rom 11:6).

  25. Fear not; forasmuch as this thy coming betokeneth that thou art of the number of them that the Father hath given to Christ; for he will in no wise cast thee out.

  26. Smiting upon the breast betokeneth sorrow for something done, this is an experiment common among men.

  27. What betokeneth that ye goe tweine and tweine togither?

  28. But wilt thou say that any word is of ill-omen that betokeneth some natural thing?

  29. But dost thou call anything of ill-omen, save only that which betokeneth some evil?

  30. Say that it is of ill-omen to speak of the reaping of ears of corn, for it betokeneth the destruction of the ears--but not of the universe.

  31. The little bird betokeneth the son that she shall bare.

  32. The bird that sang so sweetly to this little bird betokeneth the Romans, who shall rejoice and sing because of his birth.

  33. The moon that is more pale on the one side than on the other, betokeneth the empress, that hath lost part of her colour, through the conception of a son that she hath conceived.

  34. The earthly knights were they the which were clothed all in black, and the covering betokeneth the sins whereof they be not confessed.

  35. And the third fowl betokeneth the strong battle against the fair ladies which were all devils.

  36. And why she blamed thee that thou slewest her servant, it betokeneth nothing; the serpent that thou slewest betokeneth the devil that thou rodest upon to the rock.

  37. Then Our Lord cursed the tree that bare no fruit; that betokeneth the fig tree unto Jerusalem, that had leaves and no fruit.

  38. All what this betokeneth I shall tell you.

  39. Now will I tell you what betokeneth the hand with the candle and the bridle: that is to understand the holy ghost where charity is ever, and the bridle signifieth abstinence.

  40. The white fowl betokeneth a gentlewoman, fair and rich, which loved thee paramours, and hath loved thee long; and if thou warne her love she shall go die anon, if thou have no pity on her.

  41. And she that rode on the serpent signifieth the old law, and that serpent betokeneth a fiend.

  42. For the way on the right hand betokeneth the highway of our Lord Jesu Christ, and the way of a good true good liver.

  43. Also the lady for whom ye fought for, and King Aniause which was lord there tofore, betokeneth Jesu Christ which is the King of the world.

  44. Also I may say you the Castle of Maidens betokeneth the good souls that were in prison afore the Incarnation of Jesu Christ.

  45. I did dream of being taken by the constable," said Humphrey, "which betokeneth want of wit.

  46. But this I say, that I did dream of bees and of following them, which betokeneth gain or profit.

  47. For I did dream of gold, which betokeneth success in our present undertaking, and success ever resteth on good care and good judgment.

  48. It betokeneth success in thy present undertaking after first meeting with difficulties.

  49. When oxen do lick themselves against the hair, it betokeneth rain to follow shortly after.

  50. My sweet dove to me brought has A branch of olive from some place; This betokeneth God has done us some grace, And is a sign of peace.

  51. A verb is a part of speech declined with mood and tense, and betokeneth doing, as amo, I love.

  52. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "betokeneth" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.