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Example sentences for "beseeches"

Lexicographically close words:
beseching; besechyng; beseech; beseeche; beseeched; beseecheth; beseeching; beseechingly; beseechings; beseem
  1. She is anxious to learn his name, and she begs and beseeches him again and again to tell her, until in his annoyance he answers her: "Have I not already told you that I belong in King Arthur's realm?

  2. Kay beseeches her to rise, but she says that she will never do so until he grants her request.

  3. And the Queen beseeches him insistently to have him searched for, up and down throughout the land, without postponement or delay.

  4. Then the damsel, who is in dismay, begins to weep aloud, and beseeches him to stay.

  5. Hastening back to the blacksmith Ilmarinen, the frantic mother beseeches him to make her a rake with a handle five hundred fathoms long, and armed with this implement begins to dredge the river.

  6. Fleeing in terror from these monsters, Dante beseeches aid from the only fellow-creature he sees, only to learn he is Virgil, the poet and master from whom he learned "that style which for its beauty into fame exalts me.

  7. The two knights immediately run against each other, and, when Georgos has slain his opponent, the lady beseeches him to spare her life, exclaiming her name is Fidessa and that she is only too glad to be saved from the cruel Sansfoi.

  8. But Aucassin beseeches her not to go, knowing a young maid is exposed to countless dangers out in the world, and vehemently declares he would die were any one to lay a finger upon her.

  9. On seeing how intractable this youth is, the father beseeches the owner of the slave to clap her in prison, so that Aucassin will not be able to get at her in any way.

  10. Rudiger having made his errand known, Gunther beseeches three days' time to ascertain his sister's wishes.

  11. These sad strains attract Penelope, who passionately beseeches the bard not to enhance her sorrows by his songs!

  12. It is only when, obeying Nausicaa's instructions, he seeks her mother's presence and beseeches her aid, that he becomes visible to all.

  13. But if we do acquiesce in it, he beseeches my fair-one not to suspend my day, that he may be authorized in what he says, as to the truth of the main fact.

  14. Beseeches him to remove her from the vile house.

  15. He beseeches the Greeks to restore to him his dear child, the maiden Chryseis, their captive, and to accept in return the proffered ransom, reverencing the god.

  16. She beseeches Zeus that he may be delivered, and in accordance with this prayer Hermes is sent to Calypso to bid her release Odysseus.

  17. When she sees him exposed to certain death, her anxiety overcomes her pride and she beseeches him to come within the walls; and when at last her son has succumbed, we find in her the same mingling of grief and of pride.

  18. So also Wainamoinen beseeches Ukko in vain to check the crimson streamlet flowing from his knee wounded by an axe in the hands of Hisi.

  19. Thus saying she falls on her knees at Graspum's feet, and with hands uplifted beseeches him to save her from the hands of a man whose very sight she loathes.

  20. The son having been born, the father beseeches Varuna for respite, which is granted again and again, but stands firmly by his promise, although it is finally commuted.

  21. This last beseeches the spectators to save him, but it appears from the action of the principal figure that this is not granted.

  22. Philippus; the meaning, according to the older interpretation, will be: "Philippus beseeches M.

  23. Apala beseeches Indras, loved by her, to make for her a beautiful and perfect (faultless, unimpeachable) skin.

  24. The wolf flatters it and beseeches it to lay down its arms, but it answers that it is imprudent to do so while the danger of fighting remains.

  25. To this we can compare the AEsopian fable of the young man who, in love with a cat, beseeches Venus to transform her into a woman.

  26. The proffer of a seat by the lovesick captain remains likewise unnoticed, and like a chorus the page beseeches him once more not to look at her, and presages coming evil.

  27. Herod's mind is still filled with the thoughts of his stepdaughter and he beseeches Salome to dance for him, but supported by her mother she keeps on refusing.

  28. Here is seen love which beseeches where it might command.

  29. God beseeches us to be reconciled to Himself.

  30. Paul makes particular mention of "the mind" here, by contrast making plainer what is intended by the "body" which he beseeches them to sacrifice.

  31. Paul, you will observe, does not consider the Christian absolutely free from sin, since he beseeches us to be "transformed by the renewing of the mind.

  32. Then, after enlarging upon the misdeeds of Acacius, and his rejection of the Council of Chalcedon, and his absolution of notorious heretics, the Pope beseeches the emperor to establish peace by giving up the defence of Acacius.

  33. For himself, Sir Thomas More hopes and “beseeches God to keep men devoted to the trentals and obits too.

  34. In the meantime Leporello and Elvira have taken refuge in an antechamber; Leporello tries to slip away, while Elvira beseeches him not to leave her alone in the dark.

  35. Paul, who has besought the Lord on their behalf, now beseeches the Thessalonians themselves, and exhorts them in the Lord Jesus, to walk as they had been taught by him.

  36. They show this brotherly love to all the brethren that are in all Macedonia; but he beseeches them to abound more and more.

  37. God not only beseeches us to be reconciled, He commands us to repent.

  38. Sidenote: The father beseeches the pearl to have pity upon him.

  39. Sidenote: The patriarch beseeches God to spare the city for the sake of forty-five righteous.

  40. As one of them tries to remove her clothes, Draupadi beseeches Krishna as Vishnu to intervene and save her.

  41. Having successfully engineered Krishna's birth, she does special penance and again beseeches the supreme Trinity to grant her a boon.

  42. A contradiction seemingly, for if he believes, if he trusts, how is it that he beseeches the Lord to help his lack of trust?

  43. In the Twentieth Odyssey, Penelope beseeches Diana to put a period to her mournful existence.

  44. Beseeches maiden's love, but she refuses; she loves another, and G.

  45. She beseeches him to carry her off without waiting for the conflict, but Lanzelet refuses.

  46. He humbly beseeches Juxon that he may be allowed to "receive and dispose of the said books so sent freely without any trouble.

  47. It beseeches Him to be what He is, and to show Himself as still being what He had always been.

  48. The dwelling-place from which it beseeches that the suppliant may never be removed is his safe refuge beneath the wing, or in the house, of God.

  49. He beseeches God to hear, and blends the two figures of deafness and silence as both meaning the withholding of help.

  50. In Laos heaps of stones may be seen beside the path, on which the passenger will deposit a pebble, a branch, or a leaf, while he beseeches the Lord of the Diamond to bestow on him good luck and long life.

  51. The day after he comes again, and, seating himself near the patient, beseeches the evil spirit to come away with him.

  52. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "beseeches" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.