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Example sentences for "belaying"

Lexicographically close words:
belauded; belave; belaved; belay; belayed; belch; belched; belches; belching; beldam
  1. These seats occupy the whole of the space from the break of the quarter-deck and the belaying bits round the mainmast, as far as the companion-hatchway.

  2. For the object he had kicked was a large belaying pin that unaccountably had been propped up against the binnacle.

  3. Bringing the belaying pin back to its former position, Hamerton carefully observed its effect upon the sensitive needle of the liquid compass.

  4. But being angry, and perhaps a little scared, I beat him to his quarters with a belaying pin.

  5. Hazed him to his quarters with a belaying pin.

  6. In a moment more he had shaken them off; and before I could intervene, he had seized a belaying pin in either hand, and was hazing them up and down the deck.

  7. Joe was erect again in time to catch the captain's cutlass on his belaying pin, which it struck with such force as to be shivered to splinters.

  8. I caught sight of Joe Punchard in the melee, his red head a flaming battle signal, wielding an iron belaying pin, every swing of it leaving the enemy one man the less.

  9. Get all the ends of ropes from the belaying pins, bend them on one to another, and then we will return and make the men fast, and you shall haul them on board.

  10. I was standing on the main deck, not far from the rest of the crew at the time, and noticed that when the storm struck the schooner, some ropes that had not been hitched to a belaying pin were flying loose and might become unrove.

  11. I was, therefore, not a little puzzled when I found the hold of the Dolphin was crammed with lumber; not a space having been left large enough to stow away the ghost of a belaying pin.

  12. That murdering blackguard yonder struck him over the head with a belaying pin, kicked him when he was down and--" "By God!

  13. I will try; but if you are having your fun out of me, I will take my fun out of you with a belaying pin.

  14. And the mate cursed him, and swore that Kanaka was for no use in the world, and if he got started after him with a belaying pin, it would be a cold day for Keola.

  15. When empty the Chinamen weigh down on the pole and bring the track, with the car on it, back to its former position, making the rope fast to the belaying pin, and the car is run back to make way for another.

  16. Mike did his best to go down in silence, and Vince his to cast off without making a sound; but the boat ground against the side, the belaying pin rattled, and there was a rush from where the captain stood.

  17. And just then Trant got in the way of the belaying pin again, and this time he did not seem to want to get up.

  18. There happened to be a belaying pin handy.

  19. A term sometimes used for slacking off a little on a brace, and then belaying it.

  20. A strong piece of wood, bolted to some timber or stanchion, used for belaying large ropes to.

  21. Her hand was behind her, gripping the belaying pin.

  22. Surely," she told herself, "she didn't use that iron belaying pin on him the way she did on that terrible man who had been following me.

  23. Springing to the corner, she put out a hand for Meg's belaying pin.

  24. In her hand was an affair resembling a policeman's club, only it was made of iron--a heavy belaying pin.

  25. As for your late friend and follower, I'll just take my belaying pin along.

  26. In a moment he had clambered overboard, letting himself down by means of a line secured to a belaying pin at the mainmast.

  27. Lines were thrown down from the belaying pins.

  28. As they passed the ship's bell, Dick stretched towards the belaying pin that was still lying on the deck, seized it, and hit the bell a mighty bang.

  29. In half a moment Dick was forward hammering at the bell with a belaying pin he had picked from the deck.

  30. Defn: The top end of a timber, rising above the gunwale, and serving for belaying ropes, etc.

  31. A rail about the mast, at the deck, to hold belaying pins, etc.

  32. Even if you have to knock it into our heads with a belaying pin, I suppose," grinned Tom.

  33. We may get to be experts at handling belaying pins, too.

  34. The top end of a timber, rising above the gunwale, and serving for belaying ropes, etc.

  35. The line was drawn upward; a belaying pin creaked in the pinrail; the steps sounded again.

  36. Marr reached and snatched up a brass belaying pin from the pinrail.

  37. Here he turned and stared downward; the deck seemed far away; a whizzing belaying pin missed his head by many feet.

  38. It was then that a belaying pin flew across the waist of the ship, glanced from the quarter-deck rail, and struck Stirling in the temple.

  39. The second mate lifted a belaying pin from the pinrail and pounded upon the deck like a policeman pounds on the pavement.

  40. Stirling reached and clutched the belaying pin, wrenching it from Marr's hand with a half effort.

  41. You're about the best of the bunch," said Stirling, feeling his temple where the belaying pin had struck.

  42. He lifted a belaying pin from the rail and drove out the bolt.

  43. Stirling reached and rested his hand on the pinrail, where were a dozen brass belaying pins.

  44. Somebody--maybe it was Marr--bounced a belaying pin over his figurehead.

  45. Stirling recognized in him one of the Frisco dock rats who had been most aggressive in the attack when Whitehouse had hurled the belaying pin.

  46. Marr toyed with the belaying pin, lifted it, and swung his arm.

  47. If you come out before I give the word it's a belaying pin for you.

  48. Why should the captain threaten him with a belaying pin if he did not stay in the cook's galley for two days?

  49. Yes, we do, my hearty," returned Lowell, and Captain Hannock shook the belaying pin in my face.

  50. I saw that he had a large wooden belaying pin in his hand, and I retreated as far as possible.

  51. The lower yards were made to correspond with the topsail yards by means of the lifts, every rope was hauled taut, and every coil round the belaying pin was made strictly uniform.

  52. The mate was seized with a superstition, or exasperation, or both, so he drew a belaying pin from the rail, brought it strongly in contact with the door, and loudly asked who was there.

  53. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "belaying" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.