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Example sentences for "belave"

Lexicographically close words:
belanged; belangs; belated; belatedly; belauded; belaved; belay; belayed; belaying; belch
  1. Now, whether you belave me or not, more than five hundred married min have bin afther me thryin' to b'y that horse.

  2. I belave I could hang to the tracks of them three horsemen till I cotched up to 'em, and nothing could throw me off; but it was n't long before I begun to get things mixed.

  3. If ye give me your word of honor, I'll belave you, because I've been hungry myself, and know how it goes.

  4. I wouldn't belave it, not if I see him turn black in the face.

  5. I belave it's part av the bizniss av white min to finish off the nagurs.

  6. I don't belave that nuther," asseverated Sweeny, anxious to clear himself from the charge of credulity.

  7. I belave they've got a motor boat half under water, and do be havin' an accident of some sort.

  8. I do belave we kin give George a race for his money nixt toime he challenges us, so I do.

  9. The saints in heaven could n't have made him belave he cud kape the shoes on him when he'd be palin' anything.

  10. He says he's a thafe, but I don't belave Come git a wash and let's wrap up yer hand.

  11. Faix, and there was quarts and quarts of it; and I belave ye'd have died if I hadn't nursed ye so tenderly as I did.

  12. I belave he hates the whole sex, and thinks women is divils, sor.

  13. I belave they liked it, for we've been the best o' friends iver since.

  14. Sure, and I belave that the great big sthone gods shticking up all over the place gets to hear what's said and whishpers it again to the captin, who always knows everything that goes on.

  15. But nobody came from inside the magazine, and the owld gintleman grinned more and more, and seemed to rowl his oies; and I belave he wanted to hear the owld place go up.

  16. I'd belave ye, sor; but they do be sindin' in a hape of shots in return; and look at the water splash around his head as he swims away.

  17. I'll not till why I belave it, for that I can not do, but shure I do belave it, this is the land for you.

  18. Ses I to myself, ses I, 'Mike Riley, don't be a damned fool and belave iverything you hear.

  19. Auld Charlie has been telling me it's cannibals there are on these islands, but shure I don't belave a wurd that old wharf rat says.

  20. But still he kipt alookin' back as though he didn't know whither to belave me or not.

  21. If I hadn't seen with me own eyes what he can do, I wouldn't belave the same.

  22. I belave ye are right," added Mike in surprise.

  23. It has the bill of a duck, webbed feet, lays eggs, has a furry body and I belave is what is called a mammal.

  24. I belave I could ha' got forty for it, but I hadn't the heart to ax more, for it wasn't worth a brass button.

  25. Oi belave the strongest wans kin hould out six wakes, but the poorest wans can't last over two.

  26. It lasted us all six months, an' I do belave ye'll find the most of it in the cupboard at this minnit av ye look.

  27. Not wan bit, Miss, though I do belave now he do be lookin' for me.

  28. Suddenly he asked Sam in an eager, anxious whisper, "Do yees belave she'd do wrong?

  29. I belave you'll ivery wan of you come to good," she said.

  30. If you could get a riference, I belave they calls it, from the Gineral, for we're mostly strangers yet.

  31. And another thing, do you belave you've got jist as good calicoes and ginghams and muslins to sell as there is in town?

  32. Well, I belave that room will jist about hold three beds an' lave a nate little path betwane ivery two of 'em.

  33. I belave there'll be always something for my b'ys to do, because my b'ys will work.

  34. Then you've got to make the ladies belave it, too.

  35. I knowed you would, and I belave your father would.

  36. Maybe he can, Pat, but he'll have to prove it before he'll foind them that'll belave it.

  37. Patrick, slapping his knee, "yez'll have a harrd toime makin' me belave that.

  38. Oi belave as a man should have wan wife, a wife wan husband.

  39. But av yez 'll take yer solemn alibi dthat yez hov rayson t' belave the gintlemon has worked ony habeas corpush business on yure propherty, oi'll jug dthe blag-yard.

  40. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "belave" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.