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Example sentences for "being watched"

  • At present she is quite safe, as she certainly will not leave her cottage, seeing that she thinks it is being watched.

  • No doubt Mrs. Jasher was shivering in her Louis Quinze shoes at the idea of being watched.

  • Remember," he said distinctly, "that your cottage is being watched.

  • I suppose I am foolish," she said, coming back to him, "and yet I cannot help fancying that I am being watched on every side since we landed in England.

  • The joke of it is that I, too, am being watched whereever I go.

  • At supper-time, farther down the stream, he had the uncanny feeling of being watched.

  • Can you guess why I am being watched so carefully, why I am being followed so doggedly by men who serve not me but another?

  • I haven't the slightest objection to being watched by detectives, if we can only keep other people from seeing us.

  • There is a strong impulse toward immediate flight, restrained through fear that their every act is being watched.

  • For several weeks before her visit at Northfield Alice had experienced an unaccountable sense of being watched, and often in her walks met a strange man with familiar, furtive, shifting glances.

  • Though when in company of Esther and Oswald, Alice often had experienced a temporary sense of being watched, yet her pleasure was too genuine long to feel the presence of unreal objects.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "being watched" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    being about; being cast; being deprived; being disturbed; being eaten; being first; being found; being introduced; being late; being left; being married; being more; being permitted; being played; being poor; being quite; being right; being sensible; being still; being succeeded; being taught; being unable; being watched; certain extent; ethical principles; publicly perform