And lots wyfe loked behynde her/ ad was turned in to a pillare of salte.
When they had brought them out/ they sayde: Saue thy lyfe and loke not behyndethe nether tary thou in any place of the contre/ but saue thy selfe in the mountayne/ lest thou perisshe.
For this is the seconde yere of derth in the lande/ and fyue moo are behynde in which there shall nether be earynge nor hervest.
They have left a darknes so extreame behynde I cannot fynde a prayre to blesse theire soules.
Well, take your tyme; tys not materyall Whether you speake the resydue behynde Nowe or at doomes day.
For this is sure ye shall all leue behynde We haue no Cyte, nor place abydynge here Of them that prolonge from day to day to amende themselfe.
Upon the grounde traylynge ruthfully behynde Se howe he auengyd Patroclus his frende.
And there dyede Seynte Johne and was buryed behynde the highe awtiere, in a toumbe.
Also behynde the awtier of that chirche is the place where Moyses saughe oure Lord God in a brennynge bussche.
And anone after he commaunded her to sette the potte behynde the dore, and she said agayne: ye be nat wyse therin.
Than he sette vppe the boye behynde hym, and so rode forthe.
On the morowe Turpin taryed a lytelle behynde his mayster to reken with the hostes, where they laye, and of her he borowed so moche money on his maysters skarlet cloke, as drewe to[233] all the costes that they spente by the waye.
Her husbande, suspectyng so longe a confession, came in to the chaumbre; whose sodayne comynge so sore abasshed the fryer, that he went his way and lefte his breche behynde him lyenge on the bedde.
The Erle of Wyldsshyre, Thorpe, and many other flede, and left her harneys behynde hem cowardly, and the substaunce of the Kynges partye were dyspoyled of hors and harneys.
Of a morsell of bacon behynde the dore at worst shuld not misse: But when ich sought a slyp to cut, as ich was wont to do, Gogs soule, Diccon!
But all things contrary to your will and minde Shall be done otherwise: I wyll not be behynde 75 To speake: And as for all they that woulde do you wrong, (I wyll so helpe and maintayne ye) shall not lyve long.
Dame Chat, on the other syde, if she be far behynde 5 I am right far deceived; she is geven to it of kynde.
In this yere kyng Richard, the duke of Lancastre, with a grete powere redyn into the north, and distroied into the Scottes see.
And in this yere Sir Richard Wiche sometyme vicarie of Depford, and another secular man were dampned for heretiks, and brent at Tour hille, in a mornyng at vij of the belle.
So from the face of Mervyn Tewdor brave The Normans eftsoons fled awaie aghaste; And lefte behynde their bowe and asenglave.
Better it is in pitchyng the fielde, to reserve behynde the first front aide inoughe, then to make the fronte bigger to disperse the souldiours.
In the warres they vse their standerde to be carried behynde the army, but when the battayle is to be fought, they place the standerde where all the hoste may sée it, and he that commeth not incontinent to hys auntient, payeth a penaltie.
God onely knoweth euery mãnes hart and mynd, and therfore they are called of vs men that are runne in dette or fer behynde the hande, but not theues for that soun||deth vnswetely and lyke a playne song note.
The line reads: ¶ Mayst thou here see yf thou lyst beholde That the Crystyn pepyll ¶ The fyrstbehynde the in pycture is prouyded beleve in present.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "behynde" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.