Sa he beganewith strenth and stalwart hand, To chewyss agayne sum rowmys off Scotland.
Fredome and treuth he had as men would ass; Sen he begane na bettyr squier was.
That tear beganethis spurn, that wrong caused this retaliation.
This was the Hontynge off the Cheviat; That tear begane this spurn: Old men that knowen the grownde well yenoughe, Call it the Battell of Otterburn.
This battell begane in Chyviat An owar befor the none, And when even-song bell was rang, The battell was nat half done.
The begane in Chyviat the hyls above, Yerly on a monnynday; Be that it drewe to the oware off none, A hondrith fat hartes ded ther lay.
Thei begane to suspect, (albeit it was to lett,) and tharefor thei desyred to have returned to thare folkis, for putting ordour unto thame.
Which perceaved by the foirsaid Lordis, theibegane to feare that thei war come to persew thame, and so putt thame selves in ordour and array, and merched fordward of purpose to have biddin the uttermost.
Thei of the place, but especiallie Maister Henry Balnaves and Johne Rowght, preachear, perceaving the manor of his doctrin, begane earnestlie to travaill with him, that he wold tack the preaching place upoun him.
The battery begane att iiij houris in the mornyng, and befoir ten houris of the day, the haill sowth qwarter, betuix the foir tour and the East blok-house, was maid saltable.
We thairfore, with humbill confessioun of our formar offenses, with fasting and supplicatioun unto God, begane to seak some remeady in sa present a danger.
The Erle of Arrane having suffered repulse in his designe to marry the Queen of England, he begane to fancie unto himselfe that the Queen of Scotland.
And so we begane to do, for troubles appearing, maid us give ear to the admonitionis of Goddis servandis.
But schort after the returnyng of Lethington, pryde and malice beganeto schaw thame selfis agane.
The Ingliss schippis daylie multiplied, till that thei war able to keape the whole Firth: whairatt the Frenche and Quene Regent, enraged, begane to executt their tirranye upoun the pairtes of Lowthiane that lay neye to Edinburgh.
Hir countenance altered, so that Lord James begane to entreat her, and to demand, "What hes offended you, Madam?
This begane in Cheviot the hyls abone, yerly on a Monnyn-day; Be that it drewe to the hour of noon, a hondred fat hartës ded ther lay.
At Otterburn begane this spume upon a Monnynday; There was the doughty Douglas slean, the Percy never went away.
This battell beganein Cheviot an hour before the none, And when even-songe bell was rang, the battell was not half done.
This was the hontynge of the Cheviot, that tear[59] begane this spurn; Old men that knowen the grownde well enoughe call it the battell of Otterburn.
This begane on a monday at morn 15 In Cheviat the hillys so he;[95] The chyld may rue that ys un-born, It was the mor pitte.
Then giving her one partinge looke, He closed his eyes in death, Ere Christabelle, that ladye milde, 190 Begane to drawe her breathe.
This battellbegane in Chyviat 95 An owar befor the none, And when even-song bell was rang The battell was nat half done.
The begane in Chyviat the hyls above, Yerly on a Monnyn day; Be that it drewe to the oware off none, A hondrith fat hartes ded ther lay.
This battell begane in Chyviat 95 An owar befor the none, And when even-song bell was rang, The battell was nat half done.
This was the Hontynge off the Cheviat; 165 That tear begane this spurn: Old men that knowen the grownde well yenoughe, Call it the Battell of Otterburn.
Mr. Hatherley came over againe this year, but upon his owne occasions, and begane to make preparation to plant & dwell in y^e countrie.
Allerton, and ther begane his first imploymente; for though M^r.
Weston and Lord Warwick, both in league with Gorges "begane to incline" to Gorges's new "Council for New England.
New England, unto which Mr. Weston and the chiefe of thembegane to incline;" Bradford leaves us in no doubt as to Weston's attitude toward the matter itself.
At Otterburn begane this spurne uppone a Monnynday; Ther was the doughtë Doglas slean, the Persë never went away.
This begane in Chyviat the hyls abone, yerly on a Monnyn-day; Be that it drewe to the oware off none, a hondrith fat hartës ded ther lay.
This was the hontynge off the Cheviat, that tear begane this spurn; Old men that knowen the grownde well yenoughe call it the battell of Otterburn.
This begane on a Monday at morn, in Cheviat the hillys so he; The chylde may rue that ys vn-born, it wos the mor pittë.
This battell begane in Chyviat an owar befor the none.
Weston and Lord Warwick, both in league with Gorges] begane to incline to Gorges's new Council for New England.
Then the sickness begane to fall sore amongst them, and ye weather so bad as they could not make much sooner dispatch.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "begane" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.