Wipe with a wet cloth, and broil in the same manner as beefsteak over hot coals or in a hot skillet, turning frequently until done; five or eight minutes will suffice to cook.
When ready to cook, place it skin uppermost and sear the under side by pressing it on a hot pan; then broil the same as beefsteak over glowing coals.
A comparison of the food grains with beefsteak and other flesh foods, shows, in fact, that a pound of grain is equivalent in food value to two or three pounds of flesh.
Don't offer me such rubbish, as a substitute for good beefsteak and coffee that's really coffee?
There was no fried chicken, but there were beefsteak and mushrooms and new potatoes and asparagus, a very fine expensive salad made of grapefruit, and as a last perfect touch, strawberries and cream.
The homely prosaic beefsteak and tripe must have contrasted strangely, though sturdily, with these magnificent poetical fruits of the tropics.
I know of no modern European composer so difficult to eatbeefsteak to as Wagner.
After getting outside hard beefsteak to Wagner, putting away potato salad to the garden music out of Faust was comparatively simple.
When she opened the door she immediately smelled tea, the odor of broiling beefsteak and fried potatoes.
Then he said to Maria, "Will you wait and have some hot beefsteak and tea with papa, darling?
You have been eating beefsteak and fried potatoes when your own child was lost and you did not know where she was!
Say, was your driver 'the same continued,' or did you detect glimmerings of beefsteak and blood in him this morning?
Your age or more, and about half yourbeefsteak and bone.
The gentleman with the beefsteak collar made a demonstration to interrupt my retreat, and in return received a box on the ear that sent him halfway down the kitchen stairs.
I knocked at the door, and a servant with a beefsteak collar opened it.
Molly went back to the kitchen and resumed the making of the beefsteak pie.
Molly was in the kitchen making a beefsteak pie, with her sleeves rolled up and her apron on.
That beefsteak should never make the acquaintance of the frying-pan is a rule without an exception.
A beefsteak can be virtually enlarged by serving with it a mushroom sauce, for the mushrooms, having the same elements of nutrition as the meat, permit the latter to be served in smaller portions.
I want some regular things to eat, beefsteak and mashed potatoes.
I'll have to order my portion of beefsteak and mashed potatoes doubled, I guess.
The beefsteak was tough buffalo's flesh, and the countenance of mine host confirmed the assertion.
I sat one day in the public room of this inn, ruminating over a beefsteak and a pint of port, when my imagination kindled up with ancient and heroic images.
Beefsteak and French fried potatoes, hot rolls, chocolate for you ladies, coffee for myself.
Everything was a matter of curiosity and pleasure from the garnished dish of beefsteak to the chocolate with whipped cream on top.
A visitor once asked permission to witness the operation of cooking a beefsteak in my kitchen, saying that her husband had spoken in terms of commendation of those he had eaten at my table.
Left to herself then, she put on her kettle, and looked at the untouched pieces of beefsteak she had cooked last night.
She made a cup of strong coffee, cooked a nice bit of beefsteak she had in the house, rejoicing that she had it; and while the steak was doing she made a plate of toast, such as she knew both father and mother were fond of.
This is the Smith couplet in the fine account of the Beefsteak Club.
When Winny made that beefsteak pie for Ranny she had her first taste of fearful, delicious, illegitimate joy.
It was the same sense that she had known and enjoyed in the days when she went into the scullery at Granville to make beefsteak pies for Ranny; the same sense, but far more exquisite, far more exciting.
For it was not right that she should be there making beefsteak pies for Ranny.
Foraging in the larder, he came upon a beefsteak pie that, evidently, Winny had made for him, as if in foreknowledge of his need.
From the gas stove in the scullery there came the alluring smell of a beefsteak pie baking.
We must get back to the town and buy our half-pound of beefsteak that we're to cook without the use of any ordinary cooking-utensil, and so pass one of the tests for becoming a second-class scout.
But the scout-master and I have more than a pound of raw beefsteak here which we brought along for our supper.
Scout Chase, haven't you brought any beefsteak and potatoes?
To these articles can soon be added a very rare beefsteak made from the soft mass scraped by a blunt instrument from a tenderloin of beef, so that all coarse and tough fibres are left behind.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "beefsteak" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.