Sidenote: Dauid the brother of Leolin reuolteth, andbecommeth a rebell.
They certainely affirme that in these there groweth a certaine slimie substance, which at the length slipping out of the shell and falling in the sea, becommeth those foules which we call Barnacles.
Renegado, which is one that first was a Christian, and afterwards becommeth a Turke, and so he deliuered me the Bible the second time.
By whose diligent [Sidenote: Kinigils king of Westsaxon becommeth a christian.
And the pilgrimes which are not prouided of tents, resort hither, and for more deuotion the men and women lie together aloft and beneath, one vpon another, so that their house of praier becommeth worse sometimes then a den of thieues.
We are all here ready to be commanded, and glad we are that we are commanded, for that nothing better becommeth kings than literature, which maketh them come as neare to the gods in wisdome as they doe in dignitie.
Clytus, it becommeth the sonne of Philip to bee none other than Alexander is; therefore, seeing in the father a full perfection, who could have doubted in the sonne an excellency?
The Black Bull's trodden on him;" that is, he is in a very bad temper.
This faire floure of womanheed Hath two pappys also smalle, Bolsteryd out of lenghth and breed, Lyche a large Campyng ball.
Heartstongue, Ceterach officinarum, so called from the shape of the frond.
Thou woman whom pitie becommeth the best, graunt all that hath laboured time to take rest.
For that speech becommeth a king which doth not a carter, and a young man that doeth not an old: and so, in euery sort and degree.
They cut a branch of a bowe and binde it hard, and hange an earthen pot vpon it, which they emptie euery morning and euery euening, and still it and put in certaine dried raysins, and it becommeth very strong wine in short time.
When they first gather it, it is greene; and then they lay it in the Sun, and it becommeth blacke.
Here also are many lakes of salt water, which at a certeine time of the yere waxeth hard, and becommeth very good salt.
Likewise on the brawne of their armes they weare a streit string, which they wind so often about that it becommeth as broad as ones hand.
It is a seruyle thynge to be chastened by feare, and common custume calleth chyldren free men, because liberall and gentle bringyng vp becommeth them, much vnlike to seruile.
Thou puttest hym to the sterne, and passest not that he shulde learne those thynges that becommeth a shypmaster to know.
From that time forward also, they vse such difference in apparell as becommeth their callings, tendeth vnto grauitie, and maketh them knowne to be called to some countenance.
Certes this streame within halfe a mile of the head, becommeth a great lake for two miles course, and afterward waxing narrow againe, it runneth foorth in a meane and [Sidenote: Aimote.
For it féedeth vpon the hop, and holdeth out so long as the force of the same continueth, which being extinguished the drinke must be spent or else it dieth, and becommeth of no value.
The Merseie riseth among the Peke hils, and from thence going downe to the Woodhouse, and taking sundrie rilles withall by the waie, it becommeth the confines betwéene Chester and Darbishires.
Of the other two, one is reserued for such as be comelie personages and void of lothsome diseases: the other is left common for tag and rag; but clensed dailie as the other is, whereby it becommeth the wholesomer.
Your Lordship is to take principall order and care for the true worship and service of God as by havinge the Gospell preched, frequent prayers and the sacraments often administred as becommeth Christians.
For it feedeth vpon the hop, and holdeth out so long as the force of the same continueth, which being extinguished the drinke must be spent or else it dieth, and becommeth of no value.
The Merseie riseth among the Peke hils, and from thence going downe to the Woodhouse, and taking sundrie rilles withall by the waie, it becommeth the confines betweene Chester and Darbishires.
But see the malice of mankind, whereby one becommeth a woolfe vnto the other in their mischeeuous moodes.
M367) Their haire is very blacke and reacheth euen downe to their hips, howbeit they trusse it vp after a fashion that becommeth them very well.
My father in doing it, thinketh it not more than becommeth him, he being borne of princelie bloud onlie on the mothers side, serueth me that am a king borne hauing both a king to my father, and a queene to my mother.
Furthermore, if it chance that temporall men laie their hands vpon me, I charge you likewise by vertue of your obedience, that ye exercise the censures of the church in the behalfe of your father the archbishop as it becommeth you.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "becommeth" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.