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Example sentences for "bawn"

Lexicographically close words:
bawdy; bawl; bawled; bawling; bawls; bay; bayas; bayberry; bayed; baying
  1. Illustration] Like "Brer Rabbit" the catbird is usually "bred and bawn in a brier patch.

  2. Man dat is bawn er 'oman hath but a sho't time ter lib, an' is full er mis'ry.

  3. But, finally, when not far distant from the Bawn again, he shook off his reverie and struck another path that he might avoid rencontre.

  4. Mr. Raleigh could not have been more unfortunate than he was in meeting her, since it gave him reason and excuse henceforth for visiting the Bawn at all seasons.

  5. He had promised to be at the Bawn that evening, and now accordingly sought the shore, where the Arrow lay, and was soon within the shelter of his own house.

  6. And hereupon he remembered the old Bawn and its occupants.

  7. When snows fall and storms pipe, the Bawn is an icehouse," said he.

  8. When he was coming into the bawn at dinnertime, what work did he find Jack at but pulling armfuls of the thatch off the roof, and peeping into the holes he was making?

  9. Nay, never was such a sight seen," Bawn took up the strain.

  10. To maids in the bower I sang of love: And of war at the feastings in bawn or grove.

  11. I want you niggers to understan' dat I wa'n't bawn in de mash be fool' by trash!

  12. Seem lak hit mighty kuse, but sho' ez youer bawn Brer Jack is a heap mo' pearter nigger dan w'at ole Remus is.

  13. We are, Fergus; the Cooleen Bawn will have it so; but, indeed, her father is as anxious for it almost as she is.

  14. The Rapparee Secured--Reilly and the Cooleen Bawn Escape, and are Captured XXI.

  15. Such an Act was a renewal of the Statute of Kilkenny, and it was a fortunate circumstance to Willy Reilly and his dear Cooleen Bawn that he had the consolation of having been transported for seven years.

  16. In the meantime Reilly and the Cooleen Bawn had gone far enough in advance to be in a condition to speak without being heard.

  17. I was determined to see it closer before we left the neighbourhood, because it was from that castle that the fair Colleen Bawn eloped with Willy Reilly.

  18. First of all, we wanted to see the Colleen Bawn castle, so we got a car at the station, and set out.

  19. The courtship of Alley Bawn and Felix had arrived, on the fair-day of Ballaghmore, to a crisis which required decision on the part of the wooer.

  20. Nine was bawn befo' surrender an' two after we was set free.

  21. So I had two chillun dat wuzn' bawn in bondage.

  22. Do you think I am going to give up talking of Bawn salmon and barges, and talk about Dulwich cows?

  23. It's kin ob bawn an' baptize inter yez wen you doan know it.

  24. No, deah chile, I'd ruder tote you all de res' ob my bawn days.

  25. Dere's a knack at dese tings dat's bawn in one.

  26. Neber in my bawn days hab I heerd on an active, prosp'rous baker starbin'.

  27. If you cayn't stable him this winter and then get your money back on him in ary hawss market this side o' the Ohio River, I'll eat hawss for the rest o' my bawn days.

  28. My mother must have made a mistake--I wasn't bawn for a boy.

  29. My salmon weirs obstruct as much the navigation of the Bawn as they do of the Euphrates or the Mississippi!

  30. He left the station in an omnibus and drove along the mile of broad quays beside the noble river Bawn to the "Munster Hotel.

  31. De baby wuz bawn dead an' Mis' Cary went on to glory wid it.

  32. I wus bawn about 1832 an' I wus bawn at Staggsville, Marse Paul Cameron's place.

  33. She was bawn de las' day of March 'tween midnight an' day.

  34. I wuz bred an' bawn dere on my marster's plantation.

  35. Dat wind dat blew trouble down de chimbley for Mis' 'Riah when she was bawn 'gun to blow harder.

  36. My gran'mammy, Rowena, say dat Mis' 'Riah was bawn for trouble.

  37. De moon was on de wane, an' jus 'as Mistis was bawn de wind come down de chimbley an' blew de ashes out on de hearth.

  38. I ain't never seed Marse Drew kaze I was bawn way after de niggers was freed, but dey tole me he looked like a mad bull.

  39. Wat nigger ever give me twenty cents in all my bawn days?

  40. I don't suppose you was bawn wid a veil on yo' face lak I was, 'ca'se I can see dem ghosties as plain as dey was here raght now.

  41. I was bawn in 1844 on my massa's plantation in Fort Valley.

  42. Lawd man, I was bawn in de back yahd whar Marse John Rogers live right now.

  43. I was bawn on a plantation in Jackson, Mississippi, dat belonged to my Massa, Dr.

  44. I was bawn in 1847 on Massa Fisher's and Mistis Fisher's plantation near Camden, Alabama.

  45. Massa Joel musta been bawn on a sunshiny day 'cause he sho' was bright an' good natured.

  46. I was bawn a slave, but I ain't neber been one.

  47. Nashville, Tennessee I wuz bawn in West Tennessee en wuz six y'ars ole w'en war broke out.

  48. Nashville, Tennessee "I wuz bawn in Georgia (exact time not known) en mah mammy wuz half Indian en mah daddy a slave.

  49. I wuz bawn in Smith County on uther side ob Lebanon.

  50. I'se 90 y'ars ole and wuz bawn in slavery in Sumner County, Tennessee and I b'long to Marster Dr.

  51. I told her that I guessed she'd think him fine-looking yet if she'd seen him to the wheel of the Colleen Bawn with the six-pound shot whistling by him, and he never so much as letting on he knew they were there.

  52. Captain O'Donnell, take it from me as official, your insurance on the Colleen Bawn is safe.

  53. The Nannie O--we couldn't see them all--about held the Lucy Foster and the Colleen Bawn level.

  54. The first leg was before the wind and the Lucy Foster and the Colleen Bawn went it like bullets.

  55. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "bawn" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.