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Example sentences for "barkie"

Lexicographically close words:
barkeeper; barkeepers; barkentine; barkers; barkes; barking; barkings; barkless; barks; barky
  1. The old barkie will have to swim through many a worse sea than this, let me tell you-- so remember, my boy, you are never in future to begin to be afraid till you see the rest of us turn pale.

  2. However, we'll do our best, and not give in as long as the little barkie can swim.

  3. I believe the old barkie was never in greater peril.

  4. When I saw the old barkie go I knowed that the days of many on us was numbered.

  5. Summers; "those fellows ashore are firing red-hot shot, and they've set the old barkie on fire.

  6. That's right, lads; off with those hatches; we'll soon have the old barkie in fighting trim.

  7. When this little barkie refuses to steer, you may take your Davy to it, sir, that there ain't enough wind to be of any use to anybody.

  8. Dysentery was awful bad among the crews just at that time, and no less than seven was ashore from our old barkie bad, when she left.

  9. We continued to bowl away to the southward; and as we kept our canvas a good rap full, the little barkie tripped along a good honest nine knots every hour.

  10. Their best chance of getting the weather-gage of us is by surprise; but in a little barkie like this here we larns the knack of sleeping with one eye open, and they'll have to be oncommon 'cute that surprises us.

  11. I hauled in the weather fore-sheet until it was just in the wake of the mast, and our little barkie was then left to take care of herself whilst we got the trysail bent and set.

  12. Their best chance of getting the weather-gauge of us is by surprise; but in a little barkie like this here we larns the knack of sleeping with one eye open, and they'll have to be oncommon 'cute that surprises us.

  13. By the time that they had got the first boat up, and the second one out of the water, we were far enough to windward to render it necessary to tack in order to avoid putting the old barkie ashore on the northern beach.

  14. Not much chance," thought I, "of this old barkie dragging her anchors home and driving ashore in anything short of a hurricane!

  15. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "barkie" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.