And whatsoeuer English marchant will bargaine with our Marchants or Factors ware for ware to barter the same at their pleasure.
Batmans of raw silke, parcell of the bargaine made with him, who bade them come the next day for the rest of the bargaine.
The thirtie day we went in to the shore, and spake with certaine Negros, who told vs that some French shippes had bene there, but wee could not bargaine with them they were so vnreasonable.
All sortes of spices be garbled after the bargaine is made, and they be Moores which you deale withall, which be good people and not ill disposed.
Alcaydes could not intend it, and vpon Saturday Alcayde Rodwan fell sicke, so on Sunday we made meanes to the King, and that afternoone I was sent for to conferre vpon the bargaine with the Alcaydes and others, but did not agree.
But for the cloues they bargaine at so much the barre, which barre is 3 quintals, 2 roues and 10 rotilos.
All the marchandise which they sell or buy within the sayd citie, they bargaine for at so many serafines per quintal, which is 128.
Note that if a man bargaine in marchandize, it behooueth to demaund tangas of good money: for by nominating tangas onely, is vnderstood to be base money of 60 basaruches, which wanteth of the good money vt supra.
Still quoting Reginald Scot: 'Sometimes their homage, with their oth and bargaine is receiued for a certeine number of yeares; sometimes for euer.
The order of theirbargaine or profession is double; the one solemne and publike; the other secret and priuate.
Therefore we would haue none of them to send any goods in our shippes at any time, nor none to come for passengers, vnless the Emperour doe make bargaine with you, as is aforesaid, for his owne person.
And if peraduenture any strife arise about the same bargaine, the triall and inquirie thereof shall be made according to the vses and customes of the fayres and townes where it chanced that the said bargaine was made and contracted.
As Scot says, 'Sometimes their homage with their oth and bargaine is receiued for a certeine terme of yeares; sometimes for ever.
Sometimes their homage with their oth and bargaine is receiued for a certeine terme of yeares; sometimes for euer.
Winter:--"A true Answere to the objections made against my late bargaine for some of his Mties coppices or colletts adioyning to the fforest of Deane.
But nowe, Sr, howe profitable a bargaine you have made for the Kinge, these considerations followinge will easely demonstrate--ffor whereas in former tyme a greater proffit was never raised out of these wooddes than XXVS per ann.
To sell a bargaine well is as cunning as fast and loose: Let me see a fat Lenuoy, I that's a fat Goose Ar.
Hold sir, for Gods sake, now your iest is earnest, Vpon what bargaine do you giue it me?
If he say so, may his pernicious Soule Rot halfe a graine a day: he lyes to'th' heart, She was too fond of her most filthy Bargaine Oth.
It is the Souldiers: I by bargaine should Weare it my selfe.
Henry is able to enrich his Queene, And not to seeke a Queene to make him rich, So worthlesse Pezants bargaine for their Wiues, As Market men for Oxen, Sheepe, or Horse.
They went to law with us to make us recant the bargaine that wee had made with them.
In an evening but a while since, came one in the manner of a Seruing man to this man and his wife, and he must needes have a Chamber for his Maister, offering so largely, as the bargaine was soone concluded betweene them.
I can not in fight make to you suche warrantise: But as for your foes here let them the bargaine bie.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "bargaine" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.