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Example sentences for "bakelite"

Lexicographically close words:
bak; bake; baked; bakehouse; bakehouses; baken; baker; bakeries; bakers; bakery
  1. Similarly, the resols which can be easily moulded are used either as such or mixed with sand, pulverised cork, asbestos or wood, and the moulded substances then converted into the more highly resistant bakelite by heating.

  2. Of all these products, bakelite (resitol) has found the greatest industrial application; in its purest form, this substance is a nearly colourless or light yellow body of sp.

  3. It was observed that the solubility of the quebracho extract was not increased by this treatment, but the faintly acidic character of the natural tannin caused the bakelite to be thrown down as an insoluble precipitate.

  4. Relative Behaviour of an Alkaline Solution of Bakelite and Natural Tannins Phenolsulphonic acid was condensed with a little formaldehyde, and the reddish pasty condensation product dissolved in caustic soda.

  5. Its pronounced refractivity, and the ease with which it may be worked, makes bakelite a favourite substitute for amber (Ger.

  6. Relative Behaviour of an Alkaline Solution of Bakelite and Natural Tannins F.

  7. This alkaline solution of bakelite was exactly neutralised with acetic acid and mixed with strong solutions of an untreated quebracho extract.

  8. During "tannage," bakelite is formed in the liquid, and practically all solubles originally present are deposited.

  9. She ran her fingers over the cast-iron gas range he'd restored, caressing the bakelite knobs.

  10. A phenolic condensation product closely related to bakelite and redmanol is condensite, the invention of Jonas Walter Aylesworth.

  11. Pipestems and beads of bakelite have the clear brilliancy of amber and greater strength.

  12. Celluloid can be made perfectly transparent and colorless while bakelite is confined to the range between a clear amber and an opaque brown or black.

  13. This last quality and its high electrical resistance give bakelite its chief field of usefulness.

  14. A new and enlarging field for bakelite and allied products is the making of noiseless gears for automobiles and other machinery, also of air-plane propellers.

  15. For instance, porous wood may be soaked in the soft resin and then by heat and pressure it is changed to the bakelite form and the wood comes out with a hard finish that may be given the brilliant polish of Japanese lacquer.

  16. Billiard balls of bakelite are claimed to be better than ivory because, having no grain, they do not swell unequally with heat and humidity and so lose their sphericity.

  17. On the other hand bakelite has the advantage in being tasteless, odorless, inert, insoluble and non-inflammable.

  18. Bakelite is a substitute for hard rubber or amber, invented by the eminent chemist Dr.

  19. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "bakelite" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.