Vessel of Baked Clay, from the Lacustrine Settlements of Switzerland.
My collection includes a cup (or chalice) of baked clay 25 centimeters in diameter, mounted on a hollow stand which gives it a height of 18 centimeters, and the designs of which are very rich and in perfect taste.
Baked clay is one of the most enduring materials utilized in art, and its employment by the races of men has fallen but little short of universal.
The threads were spun upon wooden spindles weighted with whorls of baked clay.
Three octagonal prisms of baked claygive us an account of the campaigns and building operations of Tiglath-Pileser I, king of Assyria about 1100 B.
The cover itself was found in a baked clay box, also preserved in the British Museum, and probably belonging to the same reign.
The beads found at Fort Hill are long and coarse, made of baked clay, and may have had the same origin as the third pipe.
The marbles with which various games are nowadays played are small spheres of stone, glass or baked clay.
Mayer tells us that the aqueduct was made of baked clay, the pipes being as perfect as when they were first laid.
Wherefore a terrible storm from heaven assailed them at sunrise, and we turned the city upside down: and we rained on them stones of baked clay.
And when our command came, we turned those cities upside down,h and we rained upon them stones of baked clay,i one following another, and being markedk from thy LORD; and they are not far distant from those who act unjustly.
They answered, Verily we are sent unto a wicked people: that we may send down upon them stones of baked clay, marked from thy LORD, for the destruction of transgressors.
Baked clay; a kind of hard pottery used for statues, architectural decorations, figures, vases, and the like.
A pipe used for smoking, made of baked clay, wood, or other material.
Mr. Ewbank mentions a whistle formed in the body of a small bird of baked clay.
In other places were statuettes, one of which is described as "made of baked clay, very hard, and the surface smooth, as if coated with enamel.
The better sort of figures were pressed in moulds of baked clay, of which several specimens have been found.
Canopic vases in baked clay, though rarely met with under the Eighteenth Dynasty, became more and more common as the prosperity of Thebes declined.
She may also be represented by the rude images in baked clay so common throughout the Mesopotamian ruins, which are generally regarded as images of Mylitta.
Some of the primitive graves at Senkareh yielded tablets of baked clay, on which were represented, in low relief, sometimes single figures of men, sometimes groups, sometimes men in combination with animals.
Epigenes related that these observations were recorded upon tablets of baked clay, which is quite in accordance with all that we know of the literary habits of the people.
They had idols of stone, and of wood, and of baked clay; they also made them of dough and of seeds kneaded into the dough.
This done all the priests went to bathe themselves, how cold soever it might be, attended by the music of marine shells and shrill whistles of baked clay.
The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "baked clay" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.