Awakening his last energies with the juvenile passion of his early days, he pledged his life on a new adventure--it was his destiny to ascend the scaffold.
Awakening from the gloom of the theological contests of Edward and Mary, the court of the Maiden Queen, from state-policy and her own disposition, had been transformed into a court of romance.
Jesus after his death is by the Divine awakening raised to the right hand of God, and will soon return to set up his kingdom visibly upon the earth.
Finally, the decided repudiation of the awakening of Christian faith by visions and dreams, and the polemic against these is also no doubt of importance for determining the date; see XVII.
Then, too, we had Coggia's comet speeding through the northern heavens, awakening many an odd conjecture in the mind of my old salt.
Mr. Atilés refers to the premature awakeningamong the rustic population of this island of the procreative instincts, and the consequent increase in their numbers notwithstanding the high rate of mortality.
The educational awakening is universal and healthy.
He was gradually sinking into an unhappy miser, when an event came to pass which gave his whole moral being a terrible and awakening shock.
Slowly, as if awakening from a dream, Juve began to speak.
Slowly but surely the people are awakening to the great value of the natural resources that are being conserved in the National Forests.
They were yet below when another day dawned, and Jim prepared an appetizing breakfast before awakening them.
This work, however, had no other result than that of awakening the weary sleepers unnecessarily.
A flock of swallows swirled overhead, a grasshopper chirped, a linnet sang, and, with this sudden awakening of nature, the touch and shadow vanished simultaneously.
The awakening came one afternoon soon after its arrival, when Mrs MacNeill was alone in the dining-room at twilight.
When consciousness first began to reassert itself, I simply fancied I was awakening from a particularly deep sleep.
And this tax, which cannot be named without awakening just condemnation, you are asked to make an American institution.
To the invention of wood-working machinery we are also indebted for the awakening of interest in the qualities of wood for a vast number of artistic purposes.
The astronomer-poet of Persia, Omar Khayyám, sings of the awakening spring.
Kenton was awakening Paul, and he, brave lad, made as little disturbance on thus being aroused as if all his life had been spent on the frontier.
In the forest one becomes accustomed to awakening quickly, and without starting up.
With the awakening of Japan a change immediately took place, and steps were taken to create and develop the Mercantile Marine.
There has undoubtedly been an awakening of China, an awakening to her danger, to a sense of the extent to which her interests were imperilled.
It would be difficult to say when the awakening first came to Lawrence.
Society is but just awakening to a conscious knowledge of itself, its pains and pleasures, and its powers.
Long and justly celebrated as benefactors of humanity, and upholding with devotion the high ideals of their profession, they have now begun to widen their usefulness and extend their ideals under the general social awakening of our time.
She is, however, rapidly awakeningto the fact that she has an actual individual existence--as well as a potential marital existence; and is learning how to use and enjoy it.
He shows how much has been done by the popular recognition of cause and effect in checking tuberculosis, malaria and yellow fever, and urges a similar awakening in regard to insanity.
But I will not moralize or sympathize, for fear of awakening more "screams of laughter" similar to those which you wrote of as greeting my former attempts.
On the way they were conversing upon the labors of Mrs. Chisholm, the celebrated female philanthropist, whose efforts for the benefit of emigrants are awakening a very general interest among all classes in England.
He made allusion to the author of Uncle Tom's Cabin and Mr. Dickens, speaking of both as having employed fiction as a means of awakening the attention of the respective countries to the condition of the oppressed and suffering classes.
A few nights later a tremendous explosion shook the town, rattling the windows, awakeningpeople from their beds, and calling the timid and the curious into the streets.