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Example sentences for "artistical"

Lexicographically close words:
artist; artiste; artistes; artisti; artistic; artistically; artistry; artists; artium; artizan
  1. But, so far as artistical productiveness and skill are concerned, it is evident that the mountaineer is at a radical and insurmountable disadvantage.

  2. We were next to examine the influence of hills on the artistical power of the human race.

  3. All the merely artistical ones, or those of intermediate temper, in proportion as they lose the religious element, use flat or simply architectural distances.

  4. Yet, despite the excellence of the earlier comic writers, they had hitherto at Athens very sparingly adopted the artistical graces of Epicharmus.

  5. Observe the violation of the unity which Sophocles, the most artistical of all the Greek tragedians, does not hesitate to commit whenever he thinks it necessary.

  6. Recurring to the old satyr-chorus, he reduced its unmeasured buffooneries into a regular and systematic form; he preserved the mythological tale, and converted it into an artistical burlesque.

  7. The prevailing ignorance of everything connected with the arts of design is so great, that no distinction is made between the most regular plan and the merest artistical sketch: a drawing is with them a drawing, and punishable as such.

  8. In a similar manner the more modern altar of the Christians is placed, for it is stationed beneath the artistical object of worship or the tables of the Decalogue.

  9. We have proved the fallacy of these propositions in our first pages, and in the Chapter devoted to his artistical Refutations.

  10. Our artistical or historical comments, good, bad, or indifferent, are our own, and accompany the quotations for the purpose of supporting the Analogies in a subsequent chapter.

  11. Putting aside all antiquarian considerations, and all artistical ones, I wish that people would only consider the steps and the weight of the following very simple argument.

  12. There is no subject into which I should so much rejoice to see a serious and conscientious inquiry instituted as this; an inquiry neither undertaken in artistical enthusiasm nor in monkish sympathy, but dogged, merciless and fearless.

  13. To distinguish pre-eminent gift for the production of works of art, so as to get hold of all the good artistical faculty born in the country, and leave no Giotto lost among hill-shepherds.

  14. We must not submit a treatise on moral philosophy to a conclave of horse-jockeys, nor a work of deep artistical research to the writers for the Art Union.

  15. He consulted me only on the artistical part of the all-important question--was he to grow rich, or remain poor?

  16. But talent which is to be judged by the tribunal of public opinion, if it do not render homage to the taste of the age, must at least show deference to it, and thereby lose its genuine artistical purity.

  17. I mention this circumstance, which was one of the most galling occurrences in the life of the great master, for the purpose of showing, at the same time, how highly he prized his artistical freedom and independence.

  18. That our great master was not disposed to treat with undue courtesy artistical presumption, which sometimes, in his latter years, boldly raised its head before him, may naturally be supposed.

  19. They seem to us, to borrow an artistical expression, as if they were in a capital state for 'glazing and toning up.

  20. His sketches of actors, male and female, native and foreign, are limned with an artistical hand.

  21. His artistical ability is admirable, because it is not seen.

  22. The means only had been wanting to ripen in him, taking, as he did, the most lively interest in every artistical and scientific pursuit, to the most beautiful developement, the rich abundance of his talents.

  23. How much farther must Gall's artistical faculty be subdivided, till it reaches down to the cat-painting faculty!

  24. Scarcely dare he turn himself in his beautiful clothes lest he should crumple the ornate and artistical knot of his neckcloth; lest he should derange the nice tornure of his locks.

  25. The artistical faculty is probably in this painter, but we must assume that it is prevented from unfolding itself in all directions.

  26. The room was on the ground-floor, at the back of the house, and was filled with a greater disorder of artistical fancy than even the parlour upstairs.

  27. In the choice of silks is developed the beau idéal of all that the genius, art, and industry of Lyons can effect, which has been selected as regards the tints and designs, with an artistical tact.

  28. It is quite true that in the greatest artists, their proper artistical faculty is united with every other; and you may make use of the other faculties, and let the artistical one lie dormant.

  29. On the other hand, I believe that much of the best artistical intellect is daily lost in other avocations.

  30. And there is another thing notable about this artistical gold; not only is it limited in quantity, but in use.

  31. The artistical hurly-burly of unharmonious ignes fatui is only the forerunner of the melodious Charites; and these alone insinuate themselves into the softer souls.

  32. There is the danger of Artistical Pharisaism.

  33. In the vaulted entrance-hall stood two immense presses: the quantity of wood which formed them, and the artistical carving, testified to their great age.

  34. Mr Maclise has fertility of invention and power of design, but there is a deficiency of true artistical feeling in his execution.

  35. Fielding lays it down as an indispensable rule, which he supports by his example; and Fielding was an artistical writer, and knew what he was about.

  36. Your virtuoso looks with artistical delight on the figure of some nymph painted on an Etruscan vase, engaged in pouring out the juice of the grape from her classic urn.

  37. According to all artistical rules I ought to end precisely where I have, in order to preserve the unities.

  38. She was patronised by West, who gave her permission to study in the palace; and said that he had never seen such masterly artistical touches of the crayon as hers.

  39. This was the practical meaning of the artistical questioning of his day, to which Turner very resolvedly made no answer.

  40. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "artistical" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.