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Example sentences for "armyd"

Lexicographically close words:
armpit; armpits; arms; armure; army; armye; armyng; armys; armyt; arnais
  1. What canst thou doo ayenst saynt George whiche is bothe a knyght & all armyd with hys longe spere and his fearfull sword?

  2. But I was never so well armyd for the werre as I have now armyd me for cold; wherfor I avyse yow, take exampyll by me, if it happyn yow to be seek, as ye wer when I was at Caleys, in eny wyse kepe yow warme.

  3. Item, to indyte Heydon, because he rydyth armyd ayens the statute and the commyssion of the peas.

  4. Kyng be the therd part or the fourt part of a knyt fye, and ho so ever had the maner of Sweynsthorp, he shuld fynde an armyd man, in tyme of werre in the castell of Norwhic, xl.

  5. And as God wuld, on Fryday last was, we had a gode wynd, and then we armyd to the number of ij.

  6. Thei armyd theym in mattes, Thei sett on theire nolles 60 Gode blake bolles, Ffor to kepe theire pollis Ffor batteryng of battes.

  7. They armyd hym in~ hys wed, Tho he be-strod a noble sted, And forthe than Rod hee.

  8. Sir Torent armyd hym~ anon [1440] And his knyght{es} euerychone With sheld and spere in hond.

  9. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "armyd" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.