That such a principle would imply confusion of the study and the stage is arguable enough, but it does not follow that it was not present.
And it is certainlyarguable that even a fair chance to avoid bringing harm to pass is not sufficient to throw upon a person the peril of his conduct, unless, judged by average standards, he is also to blame for what he does.
It is perhaps arguable that the early Teuton had a moral code peculiar to himself.
Footnote 229: Anastasius in his reign of twenty-seven years had saved an enormous treasure, whence it is arguable that Justinian's straits were due to bad management.
What other possible reasons seemed arguable in view of their extraordinary actions, their leaving undone those things which they ought to have done, and their doing those things which they ought not to have done?
It is therefore reasonably arguable that our Government has used our Fleet to convoy our Merchantmen in freighting foodstuffs, at our expense, to feed the Germans.
It is not arguable that glossy buttons are a valid feature of the garb of a humdrum and harassed hospital orderly.
It is arguablethat the ornamental soldier is suited by glossy buttons and may properly lavish time and trouble thereupon.
For upon this hypothesis it would be arguable that a cube is a succession of planes piled one upon the other and limited only by the length of the cube which would be extending in the, to him, unknown direction of the third dimension.
It is quite equally arguable that if she had been as heartily on the side of the French Revolution as she was at last against it, she could have claimed the same concessions from the other side.
It is very arguable that England must, in any case, have fought to keep her influence on the ports of the North Sea.
Then with these before you, you can soon, by stating them and rearranging them, simmer down your case into arguable form.
The obvious answer is that "university" is a vague term and that there may be many kinds of universities, as indeed there are in this country; moreover, the importance of theology is an arguable matter even among church members.
Make threearguable propositions on the subject, "Entrance examinations for college.
We have not got an inquisition, because we have not got a creed; but it is arguable that we do not need a creed, because we have got a character.
But an aristocracy must be a minority, and it is arguable that the smaller it is the better.
But it is arguable that we ought not to grow tired of the repetition of crowns and sceptres, any more than of the repetition of flowers and stars.
It seems arguable that the aversion of Aristophanes to Euripides was primarily artistic, arising in dislike of some of the features of his style.
Since the same idea is traceable in more primitive forms alike in the Babylonian and Brahmanic systems, [294] it is arguable that he may have derived it from one of these sources; but the problem is very obscure.
Thus it is arguable that fragments of utterance from eighth-century prophets may have survived orally and been made the nucleus of later documents.