From being venerated as the arbiter of life and death, it might thus actually become such in large districts of country.
The ballot box is the surest arbiter of disputes among freemen.
His Majesty the King of Italy, the President of the Swiss Confederation, and His Majesty the Emperor of Brazil have each consented, on the joint request of the two powers, to name an arbiter for the tribunal at Geneva.
The gratitude of the nation to the Sovereign Arbiter of All Human Events should be commensurate with the boundless blessings which we enjoy.
But, while recognizing most clearly all above set forth, it remains our clear duty to strive in every practicable way to bring nearer the time when the sword shall not be the arbiter among nations.
Not until that has been done can right be set up as arbiter and peacemaker among the nations.
In cases where the boys’ memory failed to be accurate, an arbiter was chosen from the older inhabitants, and sworn to act honestly to the best of his knowledge; and his decision was accepted as final.
Zeus, or Jupiter, was chief of gods as the arbiter of life.
He shot a glance of fury at the large flabby countenance of the righteous arbiter of his doom, whilst his hands closed themselves with an involuntary gesture of menace.
It was comparatively little that he had to say, and no doubt he wished most fervently he had greater revelations to make, and could thus propitiate the arbiter of the appalling fate he firmly believed might lie in store for him.
Consequently the clauses which allow the Commission to make abatements, if in their judgment the economic conditions of Germany require it, will render it in many different particulars the arbiter of Germany's economic life.
The preeminence of the Yankee in the colonisation of the country, has made him the arbiter of manners and customs.
On one side the ruler of the seas, on the other the arbiter of the continent, rousing the world at their pleasure, the one by its lever of gold, the other by the sound of its voice alone.
Petronius, the coarse but witty "arbiter of taste" under Nero, mocks at the vulgar nouveau riche who imagined that the Corinthian bronzes were the work of an artist named Corinthus.
Majesty prepared now for battle and for treaty alike; kind of earthly Jove, Arbiter of Nations, or victorious Hercules of the Pragmatic, the sublime little man.
For the first time in the history of religious controversy, reason is extolled above any and every authority, and accepted as supreme judge and arbiter of spiritual, as well as of temporal, affairs.
He wished to revive the prestige of the Holy Roman Empire, and to gratify his own personal vanity by posing as the secular head of Christendom and the arbiter of its disputes.
It seemed as though the Protestant world were prepared to hail the return of the glorious ages of faith, when the Sovereign Pontiff was the universally recognized Father and arbiter of the Christian world.
Wolsey played a brilliant but essentially futile part on the diplomatic stage, where the rivalry and balance of forces between the Emperor Charles V and Francis I of France helped him to pose as the arbiter of Christendom.
I cannot be any of the hundred things by which men eke out subsistence, and yet I long for the independence of being the arbiter of my own daily life.
To whom these most adhere, Hee rules a moment; Chaos Umpire sits, And by decision more imbroiles the fray By which he Reigns: next him high Arbiter Chance governs all.
Such, however, is not the case in civil causes; then the judge appears as a disinterested arbiter between the conflicting passions of the parties.
But it was impossible to create an arbiter between a superior court of the Union and the superior court of a separate State which would not belong to one of these two classes.
Now, if I am to be the arbiter elegantiarum, I will allow no quarrels,’ said Petronius.
But this arbiter who thus imposed his will on states beyond the borders of his empire was never fully master within his own domains.
It seemed as if the great king had become a kind of supreme arbiterfor Greece, and that all the states hitherto leagued against him now came in turn to submit their mutual differences for his decision.
He had most certainly great hopes of being arbiter of the Cabinet.
But each month seems to add to his duties as arbiter of everything from clothes to strikes, from baseball to disarmament.
A royal city, we may well believe, was Azcapozalco, when Maxtla, the tyrant rival of Prince Hualcoyotl, became the arbiter of its destiny.
He was staying there, too, and he used to talk to me about the 'Satyricon' of Petronius Arbiter and the Feast of Trimalchio.
The "Satyricon" of Petronius Arbiter was whole worlds away from Miss Fordal.