It is not necessary here to dwell upon the formation of the antibodies of this group of active substances.
The animal toxins are animal diastases, and we have seen in the preceding paragraph that these substances yield specific antibodies with great facility.
Formation of specific antibodies as determined by the proper injection of animals with the organism or its products and the subsequent testing of the blood serum of the inoculated animals.
Manifestly surgical procedures such as incision, drainage, washing away of dead and necrotic tissue with normal saline solution, not necessarily antiseptics, will aid the antibodies in their action and are to be recommended where indicated.
With this exception these antibodiesare chiefly of theoretical interest.
Other antibodies which are likewise free receptors of the first, order and have the function of combining only have been prepared and will be referred to in their proper connection.
The author has no doubt that eventually the formation of antibodies and the reactions between them and their antigens will be explained on the basis of physical-chemical laws, but this probably awaits the discovery of their nature.
Individuals vary just as much in susceptibility and hence in reactive power, and generally speaking, an individual will react better in the production of antibodies to a stimulus to which he has been more or less subjected, i.
Just what antibodies are chemically has not been determined because no one has as yet succeeded in isolating them chemically pure.
The lymph contains the opsonins which act on the bacteria and render them less able to resist the attack of the phagocytes, as well as the various protective antibodies which neutralise the toxins.
The serum treatment is designed to furnish the patient with a sufficiency of antibodies to neutralise the infection.
The theory is that the blood of the cow contains antibodies to those grasses and that passive immunity can be conferred on the hay fever patient by transferring those antibodies to his blood.
Unlike their original hosts, the bodies of these creatures began developing deadly antibodiesthat attacked the virus invaders.
In every virus disease I've ever heard of, the victim's own body starts making antibodies against the invading virus.
If enough antibodies are made fast enough, the virus dies and the patient is immune from then on.
The antibodies themselves can be neutralized, but it may take our biochemists and virologists and all their equipment months or even years to develop and synthesize the proper antidote.
His body reacted as if they were parasitic invaders, and built up antibodies against them.
Maybe Fuzzy's body developed antibodies against the virus while he was infected.
If we can by any scheme teach the body to make antibodies for a germ, we can teach it to cure for itself the disease caused by that germ.
These substances are called antibodies, and the search for antibodies in different diseases has been an enthusiastic one.
This sort of medical detective work was first applied to syphilis successfully by Wassermann, Neisser, and Bruck in 1904, and for that reason the test for these antibodies in the blood in syphilis is called the Wassermann reaction.
You remember when we were working on Blue Martian, those peculiar mutants we found in our mice, and how I used six of them in trying to make antibodies to the virus?
That treatment I gave you ten years ago must have made you permanently immune to Blue Martian, and the antibodies it formed in your cells simply protected you against this new invasion of the virus.
Men analyzed the antibodies and synthesized them, and they were available to all the humans who needed them.
Formation of antibodies takes place in the middle of the three layers encircling the tubercle, the layer damaged by toxins, but not yet rendered incapable of reaction.
The three most important of theantibodies referred to which can be demonstrated with a certain amount of facility are agglutinin, opsonin and bacteriolysin; and the methods of testing for these bodies will now be considered.
The ~serological examination of the blood~ is directed to the demonstration of the presence of certain specificantibodies in the sera of experimentally infected animals, and within certain limits to an estimation of their amounts.
Exposed to contagion, it was the admirable talent of his kind to react instantly and violently, producing antibodies so promptly that no conceivable disease could develop.
It was the function of the tormal members of the Med Service to react to any infection more swiftly than humans could do, and to develop antibodies which destroyed that infection and could be synthesized to cure it in humans.
The reaction occurs because antigenic substances introduced into the body of an animal cause the formation of antibodies which precipitate antigens when the two are mixed.
If the antiserum contained sufficient amounts of antibodies to conduct the projected tests, the rabbit was completely exsanguinated by cardiac puncture, by using an 18-gauge needle and a 50 ml.
Konrádi[36] has found that comparatively few antibodies against cholera germs develop in persons who consume alcohol daily in fairly large quantities and who had been inoculated against cholera.
I'm beginning to wonder if using her to try to create telomerase antibodies is actually such a good idea.
The voice belonged to Karl Van de Vliet Her mind was clearing and she recognized it "But all the results indicate that the effect of the antibodies is essentially washed out at this concentration of active enzyme.
All she remembers is that Karl Van de Vliet had told her he wants her to undergo a second procedure with the telomerase enzyme, which possibly might create sufficient antibodies to reverse .
If we achieve that, then I'm hopeful the antibodieshe creates can be successfully used to start reversing the Syndrome in Kristen.
You see, I need to try to develop antibodies to the telomerase enzyme that won't be rejected by his immune system.
Van de Vliet gave you a low-dosage version of the Beta procedure, in hopes he could harvest telomerase antibodies and use them on Bartlett.
I think there's an outside chance that I could culture antibodies taken from someone with the same blood type and use them to arrest the rampant multiplying of telomerase enzyme about to begin in Bartlett's blood.
I'm optimistic that we might be able to grow some telomerase antibodies in another patient with your blood type, then culture enough of them to stop the Syndrome in its tracks.
I have one more test to run, but if I handled this the way the simulation now suggests, I think I could actually generate the telomerase antibodies we need and get the Beta to finally work, avoiding the Syndrome.
The amount of antibodies created was, unfortunately, minuscule.
Van de Vliet was going to use antibodies from me to try to .
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "antibodies" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.