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Example sentences for "animadverted"

Lexicographically close words:
aniline; anima; animadversion; animadversions; animadvert; animadverting; animae; animal; animalcula; animalculae
  1. Mr. Molyneux rose up, and animadverted severely on the character of Mr. Ramsay, one of the evidences in the privy council report, during his residence in the West Indies.

  2. Lord Belgrave (afterwards Grosvenor) animadverted with great ability upon the cruelties of the trade, which he said had been fully proved at the bar.

  3. M^r Rutlidge animadverted on the shyness of gentlemen on this and other subjects.

  4. Under this head he enumerated and animadverted on 1.

  5. M^r Madison had animadverted on the delinquency of the States, when his object required him to prove that the Constitution of Cong^s was faulty.

  6. The chronology of Petavius was animadverted upon by Salmasius with much rudeness, and by several other contemporaries engaged in the same controversy.

  7. Dugald Stewart has animadverted on the austerity of Locke’s rules of education.

  8. Bentley animadverted on this in his dissertation.

  9. Arnauld animadverted on this in his Réflexions Philosophiques et Théologiques.

  10. Bossuet has animadverted upon it, nor can it appear tolerable to a zealous churchman.

  11. The disposition of the two former to slight the argument from final causes, though it might justly be animadverted upon, could not warrant this most uncandid and untrue aspersion.

  12. The author of these remarks was never known to Mr. Lock, who animadverted upon them with some marks of chagrin, at the end of his reply to Stillingfleet, 1697.

  13. This sermon being printed and animadverted upon, he published a reply to the remarks on it, with some papers relating to the oath of abjuration, which have been much esteemed.

  14. I could proceed still further, till I animadverted on some still more indelicate customs, which men never fall into.

  15. The magistrate animadverted with much severity on such extravagant charges on the part of the tavern-keeper, and advised that upon the gentleman paying fifteen shillings, the things might be immediately delivered up.

  16. The mother strongly denied these assertions, and, after the magistrate had animadverted on the alleged disgraceful conduct of the mother, if true, the affair was settled by Miss B.

  17. This letter was animadverted upon by the editor and by writers to the Taunton Courier, as dealing in general, and giving no details.

  18. The extreme licence of the Heliopolitan worship is often animadverted upon by early Christian writers, and Constantine, making an effort to curb the Venus cult, built a basilica.

  19. The colonial secretary also animadverted on the emoluments of Stayner.

  20. Secretary pursued the other mode, he would have been animadverted upon with great severity for such an extraordinary course.

  21. He animadverted with great freedom on the past and present conduct of the Quakers.

  22. As in this he animadverted on the negligence of the magistrates in not preventing the duel, Mr. Cockburne was answered by one of them, Philip New, in A Letter to the Rev.

  23. Thereupon Mr. Benton stood up, and "Animadverted on the reason which was alleged for this extraordinary augmentation of duties in a bill which was to reduce duties.

  24. Henley pretended to great impartiality; and when two preachers had animadverted on him, he issued an advertisement, announcing "A Lecture that will be a challenge to the Rev.

  25. Thus the world becomes a competent judge of the merits of the work animadverted on.

  26. The address was animadverted upon in both houses by some members of opposition; but it was, nevertheless, carried without a division.

  27. Burke also animadverted in glowing terms on the capitulation of Lord Cornwallis, and the omission of any article which would secure the American loyalists from the vengeance of their countrymen.

  28. Lord Aberdeen animadverted upon that policy in a manner that was deficient in all those qualities which characterized the speech of the ministerial leader.

  29. He severely animadverted upon the speech of the Earl of Shrewsbury, for attacking the constitution and the ministers of the protestant religion.

  30. He then exhibited, in a continued series, the history and philosophy of constitutional law, and animadverted on measures which endangered British rights and liberties in former years.

  31. He then animadverted on the large proportion of officers employed, and pointed out the danger of keeping so many foreigners under their own generals.

  32. His lordship animadverted in very indignant terms upon the conduct of men of mark in Ireland, who, instead of paying their rates for the relief of the poor, invited them to make demands with which no government could comply.

  33. Lord Palmerston delivered a speech in which he animadverted so severely on the bad faith of the Spanish government, in reference to Spanish bonds, as to produce great indignation in Spain.

  34. Mr. Bright very ably animadverted upon the vacillation of Lord John Russell upon this subject, and the mischief inflicted upon the interests in question by the noble lord's indecision.

  35. The press worked on both sides of the question; while it vilified Bute, it animadverted on Pitt's pensions and honours.

  36. We have animadverted upon this point elsewhere in connection with another matter.

  37. In this legend stands out clearly the same fact we have animadverted upon already.

  38. Palmet animadverted on Carpendike: 'The dog looks like a deadly fungus that has poisoned the woman.

  39. But he thought that such a proceeding might be animadverted upon; he relied upon Mrs. Verstage's words, that Iver was departing to his professional work, and he was eager to secure the game for himself.

  40. She could not endure to have the delicacy of the child animadverted upon.

  41. But no army man of any rank ever animadverted on the General’s whiskey or cigars; and, although both were evilly cheap, they drank and smoked cheerfully, with a relish for the man if not for his entertainment.

  42. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "animadverted" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.