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Example sentences for "also painted"

  • He also painted a large scene of Jason asking leave from his uncle to go in search of the Golden Fleece.

  • He also painted a picture for Count Giorgio Manzuoli, and two canvases in gouache, with some little figures, all graceful and well executed, for Maestro Luca dai Leuti.

  • He also painted there a Bacchus, fat and ruddy, with a vessel that he is upsetting, and holding with one arm a Ceres who has many ears of corn in her hands.

  • He also painted the façade of a house on their Piazza, all the compartments of the vaulting and some panels in S.

  • He also painted a banner for the Company of S.

  • In the Palace of the Signoria he painted an Annunciation on a panel, which is over a door; and over another door in the said Palace he also painted a S.

  • He also painted a dwarf breaking a staff, very life-like, and some women wearing garments customary in those times, lovely and graceful beyond belief.

  • He also painted a panel for the Chapter-house of S.

  • I also painted a little, especially the small group, of which I give you a thumb-nail sketch herewith.

  • And he also painted a stylish lady such as the Goncourts might have described.

  • He also painted a little chapel in the house of the Urban Prefect, and the Hall of the Roman Emperors, where the students go to dance at the time of the Carnival.

  • In the same place he also painted the façade of S.

  • He also painted a panel in the Church of the Nunziata, without the Porta di S.

  • He also painted in fresco, in the Chapel of the Podestà of the same city, some scenes from the Old Testament.

  • He also painted portraits of himself, Fletcher of Saltoun, William Carstares and Thomson the poet.

  • The brotherhood of the Servites engaged him to do two more frescoes in the Annunziata at a higher price; he also painted, towards 1512, an Annunciation in the monastery of S.

  • Lucia de' Bardi he also painted a panel and did a larger one for the chapel of St John the Baptist, decorated by Giotto.

  • He also painted a picture for the monastery of S.

  • He also painted in fresco the tympanum above the door of S.

  • He also painted a portrait for Independence Hall.

  • He also painted in miniature, if indeed his oil paintings, from the care bestowed on them, ought not themselves to be called miniatures.

  • But there remains no specimen more truly speaking and delightful than the one belonging to the Conti Zappi, at Imola, where it is accompanied by the portrait of Prospero in his declining days, also painted by her.

  • He also painted Hamilton in a picture with Lord and Lady Eliot.

  • He also painted a young lad, the son of Dr.

  • His wife, Anna van Loon, is also painted by Maes, standing by a stone balustrade.

  • He also painted stories of Our Lady on a small predella, likewise after the manner of miniatures, for the Chapel of the Madonna in the Duomo.

  • That second piece he also painted in a very beautiful little picture in oils, which is now at Florence, in the possession of Signor Bernardetto de' Medici.

  • He also painted a portrait of Fracastoro, a very famous poet, at the instance of Monsignor Giberti, by whom it was sent to Giovio, who placed it in his museum.

  • He also painted views of the country from nature.

  • He also painted four or five slightly different versions of the figure of the Virgin in his early picture of the "Vow of Louis XIII.

  • He also painted, in the castle of Perugia, and in the Imperiale of Pesaro, a villa of the duke of Urbino, to whom he afforded more satisfaction than the two Dossi.

  • He also painted in Siena, and in other Italian cities, where he has approached the manner of Barocci more closely than Viviani, or any other pupil of that artist.

  • Silvestro, in Monte Cavallo at Rome; where he also painted a S.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "also painted" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    also able; also called; also came; also gives; also known; also mentioned; also much; also present; also reap; also reported; also said; also shown; also speaks; also the; also their; also they; also those; also true; also used; also wrote; good digestion; little butter; little expected; small handful; vicious circle; writing table