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Example sentences for "almanacs"

Lexicographically close words:
allzeit; almaist; almanac; almanack; almanacks; almandine; alme; almeno; almes; almesse
  1. We have only to refer to the attention given to the almanacs during a period slightly earlier, and these did not attempt to present as much entertaining literature as the magazines.

  2. Lastly, even some of the almanacs come almost within the range of the present discussion, for the earlier ones have poems[12] and interesting information, and were carefully read by the general public.

  3. Had Polo not omitted to touch on the issue of almanacs by Government he could scarcely have failed to enter on the subject of printing, on which he has kept a silence so singular and unaccountable.

  4. Marco does not allude to the fact that almanacs were published by the Government, as they were then and still are.

  5. Such an event will not be announced in the almanacs under the head of “Eclipses.

  6. A table of the occultations of such stars, copied from the Nautical Almanac, will be found in such almanacs as Whitaker’s and the British.

  7. Wherever published, all of these almanacs conform more or less to the same pattern, as it was first laid down by the founder of the dialect almanac, Abel Bywater of Sheffield, in the year 1836.

  8. Incidentally, these almanacs also present a faithful picture of the social history of the West Riding during the greater part of a century.

  9. The literary quality of these almanacs varies greatly, but among their pages will be found many poems, and many prose tales and sketches, which vividly portray the West Riding artisan.

  10. This story was printed in almanacs and in a wrapper accompanying every box of pills.

  11. No longer do hope-giving pills and elixirs, or almanacs and circulars in the millions, pour out of Morristown destined for country drugstores and lonely farmhouses over half a continent.

  12. Millions of the almanacs poured out of the small Morristown railroad station.

  13. Hardly any method was neglected, but emphasis was always placed upon two media: almanacs and country newspapers.

  14. Over their entire history it is quite reasonable that somewhere in the vicinity of one billion almanacs must have been distributed by the Comstock Company and its predecessors.

  15. In the early years of the present century, for which the record has been found, from July until the following April shipments of almanacs usually ran well in excess of one million per month.

  16. Actions of the last age are like Almanacs of the last year.

  17. I have searched the almanacs since 1828, and can find no instance of a Bishop not finally Archbishop of whom I had known through private sources, direct or indirect.

  18. In this valuable manual, the 35 possible almanacs are given at length, with such preliminary tables as will enable any one to find, by mere inspection, which almanac he is to choose for any year, whether of old or new style.

  19. The officer himself was at another table busy with logarithms, trigonometry and almanacs of latitude and longitude.

  20. On two desks were small engineering instruments, books, nautical almanacs and drawing tools.

  21. Jorgenson's "The New Science in the Almanacs of Ames and Franklin" (see Bibliography, p.

  22. Almanacs figured largely in my reading at this time, and were a source of frequent quotation by my father.

  23. Here was the crisis of Frank's young life, in this mean front room, amongst the almanacs and the account-books.

  24. Many of his almanacs and diaries, with entries dating from 1595, and from which the author makes liberal and interesting transcripts in an Appendix, have been happily preserved, and have a grateful use to us.

  25. The maxims or precepts of these almanacs generally end with the words, “as poor Richard says” (begun in 1732).

  26. You know how many different kinds of almanacs there always are layin' around drug-stores, I guess.

  27. Well, every two or three months Widder Watson goes to town and gets a new bale of them almanacs and then she sets and reads 'em.

  28. Manuscript almanacs of considerable antiquity are preserved in the British Museum and in the libraries of Oxford and Cambridge.

  29. Since 1870, the British Almanac and Companion have been the principal almanacs published by the Stationers' Company.

  30. In France prophetic almanacs circulated very freely among the poorer and rural classes, although an ordonnance of Charles IX.

  31. At the present time nearly every religious denomination, trade and newspaper have almanacs or year-books.

  32. Almanacs of a rude kind, known as clogg almanacs, consisting of square blocks of hard wood, about 8 in.

  33. In Scotland, almanacs containing much astrological matter appcared to have been published at about the beginning of the 16th century; and about a century later those published at Aberdeen enjoyed considerable reputation.

  34. The monopoly once possessed by the Stationers' Company has long been broken down, and of later almanacs and calendars there is no end.

  35. One of the finest collections of old almanacs is in the Bodleian Library at Oxford--chiefly seventeenth-century productions.

  36. Some of the best finds when libraries have been overhauled have been the curious old almanacs published when superstition was rife.

  37. In the Norway clog almanacs St. Martin's Day is marked with a goose, the custom of eating a goose now being transferred to Michaelmas.

  38. If their navigators do not do so but refer their longitudes to the meridian of Greenwich, then their almanacs must be as good as useless.

  39. Since taking charge of the American Ephemeris I have endeavored to ascertain what nautical almanacs are actually used by the principal maritime nations of Europe.

  40. His almanacs were carefully interleaved and evidently were intended to be not only a record of the wisdom of the "Students in Physick and Astronomy," but also of events in the lives of devout owners.

  41. His almanacs were so prized that he had interleaved them, and then he recorded his profound observations.

  42. Since that he has made his almanacs without weatherwise sayings, leaving every man to guess for himself.

  43. In the accounts of tides and tidal streams in nautical almanacs or the Admiralty Tide Tables one comes across phenomena about which the best authorities can say only: 'These peculiarities are probably due to.

  44. Nautical almanacs give you their explanations of abnormalities, but they add instances of peculiar tides which are in contradiction of all their explanations.

  45. Almanacs have probably kept appearing ever since the art of printing first allowed unscrupulous persons to juggle with words.

  46. In those days almanacs were the literature of the masses, very much as newspapers are now.

  47. Poor Richard" affects great friendship for him, and says that he would have written almanacs long ago had he not been unwilling to interfere with the business of Titan.

  48. He had made himself famous in many varied spheres, from almanacs and stove-making to treaties of alliance.

  49. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "almanacs" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.