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Example sentences for "alluvia"

Lexicographically close words:
allus; allusion; allusions; allusive; allusiveness; alluvial; alluvion; alluvions; alluvium; alluz
  1. While the agency of running water in transporting alluvia is confined to certain sections of the plain, the action of the wind is seen over its entire surface.

  2. The cliffs of hard rock offer far more resistance than the soft alluvia over which the river wanders freely.

  3. The source of the elements which compose the Pampean alluvia is very uncertain.

  4. Irrigation is almost always necessary north of Lake Nahuel Huapi, where the vegas have, as a rule, a soil of coarse alluvia or permeable tufa, which dries up quickly.

  5. The glacial alluvia at the foot of the Cordillera rise to the level of the tableland, which sinks steadily eastward toward the Genua and the Senguerr.

  6. As truly as a short stature and light skin coincide with the occupancy of mountain ranges, the Negro physiognomy coincides with that of the alluvia of rivers.

  7. They increase in Khuzistan; and in Irak Arabi we, at one and the same time, reach the rich alluvia of the Tigris and Euphrates and a doubtful frontier.

  8. Sand and sand alone constitutes the soil-substance of DoƱana, overlying, presumably, the buried alluvia beneath.

  9. These trees grow from screes of broken rock--great blocks of white dolomite; but the deep-searching tap-roots penetrate to black alluvia beneath.

  10. Ride through the marisma in November; it is mostly dry, and autumn rains have merely refreshed the sun-baked alluvia and formed sporadic shallows, or lucios as they are here termed.

  11. As a general rule, the fluviatile alluvia of different ages (Nos.

  12. These subterranean vaults are usually filled in part with mud, pebbles, and breccia, in which bones occur belonging to the same assemblage of animals as those characterising the Post-pliocene alluvia above described.

  13. Near Orange, for instance, her favourite spots are the alluvia of the Aygues, with their carpets of smooth pebbles no longer visited by the waters.

  14. I start with two Mason-bees of the Walls working at their nests on the pebbles in the alluvia of the Aygues, not far from Serignan.

  15. Pohlig[AX] and others, do not now hesitate to correlate with those beds the old ossiferous and implement-bearing alluvia which lie altogether outside of glaciated regions.

  16. Now that we know, however, that a long interglacial stage succeeded the disappearance of the last general mer de glace, we may feel sure that the older alluvia of our Lowland districts cannot belong exclusively to post-glacial times.

  17. Similar, if less strongly-marked, changes characterise the marine Pliocene of the Mediterranean area, while the freshwater alluvia of France, etc.

  18. The relation borne to the glacial accumulations by the old river alluvia which contain relics of palaeolithic man early attracted attention.

  19. Now, it is a remarkable fact that the boulder-clays which underlie such old alluvia belong, without exception, to the earlier stages of the Glacial period.

  20. From the fact that these alluvia in some places overlie glacial deposits, the general opinion (still held by some) was that palaeolithic man must needs be of post-glacial age.

  21. But in the main these alluvia must be regarded as the equivalents of the glacial and interglacial deposits of northern and Alpine districts.

  22. If ossiferous alluvia did here and there appear within the recently glaciated areas it was always either in caves, or as infra- or interglacial deposits.

  23. In these papers it was maintained that the alluvia and cave-deposits could not be of post-glacial age, but must be assigned to pre-glacial and interglacial times, and in chief measure to the latter.

  24. To this position must likewise be assigned the Pleistocene river-alluvia of other districts.

  25. But whether they occur or not in our mountain-valleys, it is certain that some of the older alluvia of our Lowlands must belong to this horizon.

  26. I feel sure, however, that they must occur among the older alluvia of our Lowlands.

  27. The relation of the Pleistocene alluvia of France to the glacial deposits of that and other countries has been especially canvassed.

  28. It was only in the extra-glacial tracts that alluvia of interglacial age were at all likely to be preserved in any abundance.

  29. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "alluvia" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.

    Some related collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    alluvial deposits; alluvial gold; alluvial soil