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Example sentences for "allelomorphic"

Lexicographically close words:
allegorizing; allegory; allegro; allein; alleine; allem; aller; allergic; allergy; allers
  1. It has been objected that there may be more pairs of independently heritable allelomorphic characters than there are pairs of chromosomes.

  2. Each is a unit character but showing graded allelomorphic conditions which correspond probably with different stages of arrested development of pigmentation or mentality respectively.

  3. An example of the former is found in the hooded pattern of rats,[4] of the latter in albinism and other Mendelizing characters which assume multiple allelomorphic conditions.

  4. The fertilisation may be responsible, but our experience of the allelomorphic characters suggest that the irregularity is in the egg-cells themselves.

  5. Eosin is allelomorphic to white and the white-eosin compound or heterozygote has the color of the eosin male.

  6. Since eosin is allelomorphic to white, its locus is also at 1.

  7. The appearance of straight wings shows that bow is not arc nor allelomorphic to arc.

  8. From considerations which will be discussed later in this paper we regard cherry as allelomorphic to white in a quadruple allelomorph system composed of white, eosin, cherry, and their normal red allelomorph.

  9. When a fly shows two or more non-allelomorphic characters the names are written from left to right in the order of their positions from the zero end of the map.

  10. Now, it is quite conceivable that in some specific case one of the effects might be more striking than the one produced in that organ more markedly affected by the other factor of the allelomorphic series.

  11. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "allelomorphic" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.