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Example sentences for "aller"

Lexicographically close words:
allegro; allein; alleine; allelomorphic; allem; allergic; allergy; allers; alles; alleviate
  1. His wrath was fixed on the things of which Spain had reminded him: "C'est la qu'il faut aller pour voir ce que le catholicisme exclusif a su faire d'une des plus grandes et des plus heroiques nations de la terre.

  2. Vel, monsieur, we must aller to Croche Friars.

  3. Here be de huis of sin vader, sal aller and knock.

  4. Ueber die wirklichen Fortschritte der Metaphysik seit Leibnitz und Wolff, "On the Real Advances of Metaphysics since Leibnitz and Wolff"; and Ueber das Misslingen aller philosophischen Versuche in der Theodicee.

  5. Then to get to the stone-houses he went further up the Aller and turned into the Oerze.

  6. And, then, when he got to the Aller he went up that; then he had to row hard, I guess.

  7. When he came to the place where the Aller flows into the Weser, he quitted the Weser and went up the Aller, that he might look at the spot where those 4500 Saxons were cut to pieces by Charlemagne, and on the ground pray for the murdered men.

  8. Aller en Flandre sans couteau = To embark in an enterprise without the necessary resources.

  9. The more correct form is s’en aller en aune de boudin, alluding to Perrault’s tale of Les Souhaits Ridicules.

  10. Aller du pied (or, Courir) comme un chat maigre = To be a good walker.

  11. Aller à la queue leu-leu = To go in Indian file.

  12. Aller comme un chat maigre = To run like a lamplighter.

  13. Envie J’ai bien envie d’aller à Paris avec vous = I have a good mind to go to Paris with you.

  14. Croix Aller au devant de quelqu’un avec la croix et la bannière = To receive any one with great fuss and ceremony (often used ironically).

  15. Je ne veux pas y aller et pour cause = I do not want to go there, and for a very good reason.

  16. Aller planter ses choux (or, garder les dindons) = To retire into the country.

  17. Il est aisé d’aller à pied quand on tient son cheval par la bride = It is easy to stoop from state when that state can be resumed at will.

  18. Aller au diable Vauvert (corrupted into au vert) = To go very far away, a devil of a way; To disappear.

  19. On this maner assentyt war 135 The barownis, as I said yhow ar: And throuch thar aller hale assent, Messingeris till hym thai sent, That was than in the haly land, On Saracenys warryand.

  20. At eleven Brother Aller preached in the Methodist Episcopal house and I preached the Pentecostal sermon in the Presbyterian house.

  21. Brother Aller preached a glorious and lovely sermon on the brotherhood of the saints.

  22. Him tummel aller same kangaroo," he said, with a grin, making movements with his body like a man being flung off a horse.

  23. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "aller" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.