The more man alienateshimself from Nature, the more subjective, i.
Better surrender altogether some verbal categories and start again, in that respect, with a clean slate, than persist in any line of development that alienates thought from reality.
It then alienates him from his world without being able to carry him effectually into a better one.
But although few of us might openly deny the Lord who bought us, yet there is, I apprehend, in many of us an evil heart of unbelief, which alienates us from God and disqualifies from answering the query as Peter did.
They are among the subtle devices of Satan, by which he alienates us from Jesus, and makes us go mourning on our way with the language in our hearts: 'Is there not a cause?
Resigning his office, he stumps the country in a campaign for peace, alienates his wife, who is outraged by his attitude, faces persistently the attacks of angry mobs, and at last is murdered and thus made a martyr to his cause.
The recollection of his former life is a dream that only the more alienateshim from the realities of the present.
One whoalienates or transfers property to another.
We can then only know God, when the mind comes to perceive the unconnection of the soul with the body; and whereby it alienates itself from all worldly connections in disgust.
Bhusunda said: When at the end of a kalpa period, the order of the world and laws of nature are broken and dissolved; we are then compelled to forsake our nest as an ungrateful manalienates his best friend.
Alban's, but whether it habitually protected its manuscripts in this manner I am unable to say: May whoever steals or alienates this manuscript, or scratches out its title, be anathema.
He is incapable of imperious haughtiness, which alienates the minds of inferiors, and renders their obedience barely exterior and a forced hypocrisy.
He strongly recommends to Catholics a modest and mild behavior towards heretics; for nothing so powerfully gains others as meekness and tender charity; this heals all wounds, whereas harshness exasperates and alienates the mind.
The wife alienates the inheritance, but the husband has deceived his wife and is completely defrauding her of her body and her life.
Is not the sin of the man who wastes his wife's body and life a greater sin than that of the woman who merely alienates the temporal goods of her husband?
Sever yourself determinedly from all that alienates you from Him.
This is the only sin, he means, which by its very nature alienates the body from Christ, its proper Partner.
The knowledge which is not tempered by humility and love does harm both to its possessor and to other Christians; it puffs up its possessor with scorn, and it alienates and embitters the less enlightened.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "alienates" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.