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Example sentences for "airmen"

Lexicographically close words:
airlocks; airly; airm; airmail; airman; airms; airn; airplane; airplanes; airport
  1. The machinery of the Leadership Corps was also utilized in attempts made to deprive Allied airmen of the protection to which they were entitled under the Geneva Convention.

  2. When Allied airmen were forced to land in Germany, they were sometimes killed at once by the civilian population.

  3. Enemy airmen spotted this little lot," said a passing "red-hat.

  4. I honestly believe him and commend his book both to those who have a passion for tales of high adventure and also to those--if there are such--who need authentic instances of what our Airmen O' War have done for us.

  5. Their airmen had reconnoitered and reported the defending army miles away hastily digging their trenches.

  6. The hydroplanes of the enemy had risen from the sea and were coming to meet our brave airmen with their pitiful little fleet of biplanes.

  7. Their wonderful work in bringing in military information, and in bombing expeditions, was not excelled, if it was equaled, by the airmen of any other country.

  8. Note the forward gunner, the pilot, the rear gunner and the window of the commodious cock-pit within which the airmen could stand upright.

  9. British airmen watched the desert well and kept the British army well informed of the Turkish movements.

  10. The British adopted a policy in news concerning their airmen similar to that governing their publication of submarine sinkings.

  11. The airmen were assisting in destroying the bridges that the Austrians were trying to throw across the river.

  12. For weeks past the German airmen had grown strangely shy.

  13. And so for another ten minutes the airmen remain, altering the range until at least a dozen direct hits are scored, and the damage done to the railway, the trains, and the division or so of men is tremendous.

  14. The next instant, however, the master-pilot of all the German airmen was upon them.

  15. English history, for the daring deeds of our airmen had already gained for this juvenile corps traditions which will never die.

  16. Dastral was in a fighting mood; he felt ready to fight all the Boche airmen in the world, if he could only get at them.

  17. British airmen report line upon line of intrenchments where the Germans have defensively furrowed the land behind them for miles.

  18. Aeroplane bomb dropped in Warsaw street kills several people and narrowly misses American Consulate; airmen are using steel arrows to drop from aeroplanes.

  19. Was it not, perhaps, as near the mark as that of our airmen hosts on March 1st has proved itself to be?

  20. Our object is to prevent the German machines from rising at all, to keep them down, while our airmen are reconnoitering along the fighting line.

  21. That night six young airmen came to dinner in the mess as usual, but there were six observation balloons less in the German lines.

  22. The telegram was an order for him to join a squadron which held what the airmen considered to be, from it's exceeding danger, the post of honour at the Somme front.

  23. The airmen might not escape a second time with a slight flesh wound.

  24. The airmen had no particular interest in wheeling about to make a careful inspection of the camp, for it was inconceivable that Nurla and his man had come so far and joined their compatriots, if such these people were.

  25. Evidently the airmen had foreseen that he might rise in order to avoid their bombs, and sought to forestall him; but his narrow spiral had carried him up to a greater height than their two long inclined planes.

  26. Lawrence guessed that the Kalmuck airmen would now suppose him to have risen, and would themselves be mounting in order to keep above him.

  27. It was much lower than before, probably no more than three hundred feet above Lawrence, and as soon as the airmen caught sight of him, they dipped so suddenly as almost to suggest that the machine was beyond control.

  28. We've got the finest navy in the world: for its size we've got the finest army; and we ought to wake up and get the finest air fleet, and the finest corps of airmen that can be trained.

  29. It was a great day at the mine when the young airmen essayed their first flight.

  30. There were puzzling instances, notably in the early days of flying, when airmen began first to make cross-country flights, of engines being heard to fail suddenly, and machines seen to fall to destruction.

  31. The public could not realise how rapidly the number of airmen had grown; that practically every day, at aerodromes scattered over Europe, flights were so frequent that they were becoming a commonplace.

  32. But after this, and very quickly, the number of airmen grew.

  33. After this, increasing in numbers from two or three to a dozen, and from a dozen to fifty and then a hundred, the army of airmen grew until it could be totalled in thousands.

  34. The strength of machines was increased; the engines which drove them were rendered more reliable; and gradually too, though none too rapidly, the airmen who piloted them grew in knowledge and skill.

  35. That's why it is the favourite with many of the leading Airmen of the day.

  36. The rapidly growing [Illustration: Preference for PRATT'S Perfection Motor Spirit among airmen is a repetition of history.

  37. It was humorously nicknamed the "one and one-half plane," but it proved itself just the thing the fighting airmen were looking for.

  38. Early in the war the Germans discovered that, however perfect their airplanes might become, their airmen were not the equals of those who were flying for the French and British.

  39. The Allied airmen therefore soon claimed supremacy over the lines, and it was in order to wrest it from them that the Germans began turning over various schemes in their mind.

  40. Stability was of prime importance and the airmen of a few years ago labored desperately to attain it.

  41. Its general construction did not entirely meet with the approval of expert airmen who looked it over.

  42. Our airmen showed the most dauntless courage, and they continually outwitted and outmaneuvered the slower thinking Hun.

  43. By the skill and bravery of her airmen she managed to hold out, however, and the Huns were disappointed in never accomplishing their purpose of putting out her eyes.

  44. But while the Fokker's debut over the trenches caused the British House of Commons to debate the new peril gravely, French and British airmen sprang quickly and gaily to the challenge.

  45. Now came the days when Captain Baron von Richthofen held forth in the heavens with his squadrons of variegated planes which the British airmen nicknamed "Richthofen's circus.

  46. Usually it is some important munition base or factory center that is supplying the German troops, which the airmen set out to bomb.

  47. There are others than French airmen in the corps.

  48. The airmen themselves were hurriedly putting on helmets and woollen gloves and leather coats, for it is cold work hunting airships at midnight.

  49. The airmen sleep in the hangars there, and in five minutes they had their machines wheeled out.

  50. Every day, at the end of the day's reconnoitring, the airmen count the bullet-holes in the wings and body of their machines.

  51. And the fact is, I seem to remember having seen that name mentioned among a list of airmen who had been either killed, or knocked out by accidents happening to them.

  52. Now that the first of the imperiled airmen had been hauled aboard, there remained but Casper Blue himself.

  53. He felt her trembling against him, and a wave of fury against the airmen above took hold of him.

  54. In fact, the only real difference in the scene after those ten short minutes was that by the ruins of a deck chair two German airmen with their faces covered lay very still on stretchers.

  55. It was the disappearance of the airmen that first set me thinking.

  56. On another occasion after dinner, at the mess of the Flying School on Salisbury Plain, he started a debate as to what will be the most permanent danger which airmen will have to encounter.

  57. French airmen had endeavored to spy out certain positions there, but an unusually large number of German planes had fought them off.

  58. Meanwhile the French airmen had been scouring the sky for a sight of the German craft that might have released the death-dealing bombs on the city.

  59. We shall need a picked corps of the best airmen we have, French and Americans, and it will be no easy matter then.

  60. And if only eight come back it means that at least four of our airmen have either been killed or captured.

  61. The airmen claimed you as their prey, and the infantrymen said they were entitled to call you theirs.

  62. At the same time, however, there appeared some German planes over Paris, doubtless to observe the effect of the dropping of the long-distance shells, and naturally the French airmen went up to give them combat.

  63. From above the French, American and British airmen were dropping tons of explosives on the emplacements of the big guns and on the railway spurs that brought them to the firing points.

  64. And yet, to the credit of airmen in general, let it be said that the German aviators treat their fellow, prisoners better than the Hun infantrymen do.

  65. There are some airmen above Paris all the while, frequently as many as forty on sentry duty.

  66. This may be just the chance the airmen have been waiting for--to locate the piece by the flashes.

  67. Up to now our airmen have not been able to penetrate far enough without being attacked, and such few as did get well over toward the Rhine could make out nothing.

  68. Extra anti-aircraft guns, of powerful calibre, were erected in many places about the city, and more airmen were summoned to the defense.

  69. The infantrymen said they had captured you, but the airmen said their fire had brought down your plane.

  70. Much as the airmen desired to start at once in their search for the monster cannon, it was deemed wise to have first a consultation and a general understanding of what means should be employed.

  71. It may take all the resources of our airmen to destroy this terror of the Germans.

  72. Since yesterday bomb-dropping airmen have come into Baden and Bavaria; further, by violating Belgian neutrality, they have fled over Belgian territory into the Rhine province and tried to destroy our railways.

  73. Had Germany possessed any proof that French officers in disguise were organizing preparations in Belgium, or that French airmen had crossed the latter's territories in order to drop bombs by Wesel, etc.

  74. Almost simultaneously false reports of French troops crossing the frontier and of French airmen dropping bombs on Nuremberg were spread by the Berlin General Staff, and thus an excuse found for a declaration of war on France.

  75. Their airmen have thrown bombs, cavalry patrols have violated our territory, and companies have broken into Alsace-Lorraine.

  76. The remainder of the charge is that "long before August 2nd," French airmen had dropped bombs on South German towns.

  77. The Frankfurter Zeitung, August 4th, contains three separate detailed accounts of French airmen dropping bombs on Frankfort railway station during the previous night.

  78. But long before this single instance occurred, French airmen had penetrated into Southern Germany and dropped bombs, and French troops had attacked our frontier-protection-troops in the Schlucht Pass.

  79. The Kölnische Zeitung contained this paragraph on August 2nd: "A military report has just come in, stating that French airmen dropped bombs in the neighbourhood of Nuremberg this morning.

  80. At Samar, near the Sea of Galilee, the Turkish military airmen Fethi Bey and Sadik Bey, while flying from Damascus to Jerusalem, were killed by the fall of their aeroplane.

  81. Announcement that three British naval airmen had destroyed a Zeppelin at Duesseldorf.

  82. In the aerial warfare the French and British airmen encountered the German Taubes and Aviatiks; fighting went on for weeks to capture or recover a wrecked and miserable village or a ragged clump of trees.

  83. Canada had decided to double her contribution in men and material; that British airmen had damaged a Zeppelin shed, and perhaps a Zeppelin, at Duesseldorf (Chron.

  84. It appears that naval airmen were employed in these operations--the first time aircraft could have been seen in this region of Africa.

  85. And grouped under one of its huge wings were five airmen dressed for the skies.

  86. We must cover it with branches and bushes, so that Nazi airmen will not see that it is here.

  87. David had often seen the airmen doing that, and he jumped off the bough and made two very neat loops without any difficulty, and returned again, brushing the hair out of his eyes.

  88. And then the two airmen threw their caps in the air, and shouted ‘Hurrah.

  89. Outside of the curious visitors who had gone the rounds of the hangars, there were groups of airmen and others discussing the features of the morrow’s flights.

  90. Airmen looked over the natty little machine and made their comments, pro and con.

  91. He’ll be satisfied if he can announce to airmen generally that a successful test of his device was made from the Aegis, under my supervision.

  92. His head was full of aviation all of the time, however, and the various airmen he got acquainted with were all willing and glad to answer his questions about this and that detail of the different make machines.

  93. Now get yourself in trim, to show the airmen what you’re made of.

  94. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "airmen" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.