It was prevented from giving way under pressure of the rising waters by having strongabutments of wood laid against its centre, while the ends of these abutments were secured by wedges, which could be knocked off when necessary.
A second blow from each sent off the abutments themselves, and the men, leaping with extreme dexterity from one cross log to another, sprung to the shore with almost the quickness of thought.
Such an arrangement must have been destructive to architectural effect as well as inconvenient, but a clay vault could not have any great span, and itsabutments must perforce have been kept within a reasonable distance of each other.
Large subaqueous foundations for heavy piers and abutments are costly and tedious, and especially so when the pneumatic process has to be adopted.
The general arrangement of abutments and wing walls shown in the foregoing examples will apply to similar classes of bridges where girder-work is adopted instead of arching.
In this case, by increasing the span and forming the springing bed in the solid rock, the masonry of abutments and wing walls may be reduced to a minimum.
The removal of a few feet of the surface layers will generally lead to a good hard stratum of natural material sufficiently firm to carry the abutments and piers of railway bridges and viaducts.
In this particular bridge the girders and roadway form a solid framework, which rests on the abutmentsduring the passage of the trains.
In the construction of the abutments or piers which support the girders of high bridges and viaducts, cast-iron columns of small size must not be used.
Many piers and abutments of bridges in shallow or moderately deep water are built by means of coffer-dams of timber and clay puddle.
He remembered that, except on rare occasions, the opening between the abutments of the bridge that carried the lane over the brook had always been sufficient to take care of any water.
He now measured this space and found that the abutments were eighteen feet apart and from the under side of the timbers to the bed of the brook it was four feet six inches.
The portals yawned as caverns full of blackness, and the outer shape of the body of the building, from the towers to the apse, with its abutments and buttresses merely guessed at in the dark, stood up like a cliff worn away by invisible waves.
Piers and abutments are of masonry, brickwork, or cast or wrought iron.
The abutments also must be strong enough to take safely the thrust of the weighted arch, as the slightest movement in these supports will cause deflection and failure.
The substructure of a bridge comprises the piers, abutments and foundations.
The bridge when closed is supported on abutments at each end.
The cost of abutments and bridge flooring is practically independent of the length of span adopted.
When girders form the superstructure, the resultant pressure on the piers or abutments is vertical, and the dimensions of these are simply regulated by the sufficiency to bear this vertical load.
Eads, the engineer, determined to establish the piers and abutments on rock at a depth for the east pier and east abutment of 136 ft.
The reason given for this change of form was that it more conveniently allowed the lower road to pass between the springings and ensured the transmission of the wind stresses to the abutments without interrupting the cross-bracing.
Two main towers in the river and two towers on the shore abutments carry the suspension chains.
The masonry continued solid until the pier rose to a level with the two abutmentsupon either side, and from thence the building rose in the form of a tower.
Two strong abutments were built on either side of the river, at a part where the stream was peculiarly contracted.
A feeding-chamber in combination with an arched chamber of combustion and the abutments for properly distributing the fuel upon the grate.
The four abutments with their retaining walls are of first-class rock-faced masonry.
Two of the large abutments were completed last season.
The upper bay--a median bay situated in the gable wall--was walled up at the same time, but its graniteabutments remain clearly visible.
The small Romanesque bay in the south wall of the nave, with its lowered centering and its abutments in granite.
Granite is used for the buttresses, the abutmentsof openings, the attached piers, the columns and the arches.
The south wall of the Romanesque nave and its door, with its lowered centering and its abutments with chamfered edges.
The inside abutments are molded with a small column with a square abacus and base.
The arches and abutmentsof the openings are in granite.
Its semi-circular arch is formed by a plain grain resting on plain abutments and surrounded by an archivolt.
These abutments support a tympanum in granite, which was restored and carved with a cross In Romanesque style in 1897.
Our men got to the bridge about two hours before Gilmore's band came and were secreted or in ambush, when they arrived and began to drill holes in the abutments of the bridge.
The semi-cylindrical abutments are among the oldest of mediaeval buttresses.
Nowhere have abutments and flying buttresses been so harmoniously employed as here.
Where the river banks were of stone and perpendicular the packers were forced to pass over the projecting abutments of snow, undermined by the swift stream.
Floors having plated tops are sometimes finished over abutments or piers in a manner which is not satisfactory, either as regards the carrying of loads or accessibility for painting.
Sinking, when uniform, may be quite harmless, though possibly inconvenient; irregular sinking of piers or abutments is quite a different matter.
In continuous girders also, levels having been taken, allowance should be made for effects of settlement, if any; and with arches evidence of movement of the piers or abutments sought for, with the like object.
The enduring character of even the roughest class of masonry arch, if only the material be good and abutments stable, is shown when it becomes necessary to destroy old work of this character.
Careful plumbing of the abutments revealed the fact that three out of four abutment pilasters were out of the vertical, as shown in Figs.
The ends of the distributing girder should be carried on to the abutments or piers to ensure adequate relief of the end cross-girders.
A second case of very much the same character has also been under the author's observation, though in this the ends of the spandrels were not built into the brickwork of which the abutments were composed.
The back walls of the abutments were not built until the steel had been put in place.
The abutments were built of concrete, and the mixture was 1 part of cement, 3 parts of sand, and 6 parts of broken stone.
We do not care how the young minds aspire mystically, so long as theirabutments hold fast in the bottom-lands.
As the piers and abutments progressed in height, the question of how to lift the large stones into their positions had to be solved.
When the foundations and abutments were ready, the gully was spanned by an iron girder, the slopes leading up to it banked up on either side, and the permanent way laid on an easy grade.
These having at length been completed, I marked out the positions for the abutments and piers, and the work of sinking their foundations was begun.
The abutments of all bridges were protected by rubble walls in cement mortar carried up 60 cm.
The general type of the piers andabutments is shown by Fig.
The abutments on either side of the Straits are huge piles of masonry.
We found the bridge carried away, as the woman had told us; but its abutments were still standing, and over these planks had been laid, which afforded a safe crossing for foot-passengers.
In forming coffer-dams for the piers and abutments of bridges, quays, and harbours, and in piling the foundations of all kinds of masonry, the steam pile driver was found of invaluable use by the engineer.
Mr. Stephenson adds that from a defect in the construction the abutments were thrust inwards at the approaches and the ribs partially fractured.
It is a queer stone bridge, with two abutments and one arch stretching across from one mountain to another, high up in the air.
Among other things, he told them of the abutments and ancient masonry he had seen while going through some of the wildest canyons, that could not be approached in any way.
The main central key-stone is constructed of large fire-bricks made on purpose; against that key-stone the two arches press, having their abutments at the sides against the walls.
Its traverses are fixed by two abutments b b, placed so that when it is stopped by one of them, the beak of the pipette corresponds to the centre of the neck of the bottle, or is a tangent to the handkerchief.
The abutments are useful for binding and keeping the furnace together, and are built of masonry.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "abutments" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.