A few of these lateral-stemmed species are edible during their young state, one or two of which are included in my subsequent pages.
This plant is more graceful and effective when in a young state, in which it usually occurs in our gardens, than when old and branched.
By confining it to a single stem and using it in a young state, you get the fullest size and grace of which the leaves are capable.
This is especially important to all the Aesculus in a young state.
This genus is best known by its common representative, the Southernwood, but this and the other Artemisias should be cut down annually in a young state.
Those which are hardy of this genus should be cut back each spring while in a young state, but when they have attained a flowering size no pruning is required.
All the Ribes are improved by being cut down annually while in a young state, but when older, a yearly thinning out of the old wood is sufficient.
The tree is quite hardy, flowers well even in a young state, and will grow in any soil that suits our common wild species.
Another half-hardy species, which bears, even in a young state, an abundance of rather small, whitish flowers.
In a young state it suffers too, but after becoming established and a few feet high, the chances of injury are greatly minimised.
It is a valuable species for ornamental planting, and flowers well even in a young state.
Veil very evident--at least in young state--as a felty coating, which breaks up during expansion of p.
The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "young state" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.