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Example sentences for "yards across"

  • The bed of the river throughout the lower part of its course is 60 or 70 yards across: the journey was as difficult as that on the Karam.

  • The Irrawaddi opposite the entrance of the Mogoung river, is 600 yards across.

  • Bamo is situated is the largest, and is 800 yards across.

  • Went to the suspension bridge over the Lohit, which is about 60 yards across, or double the length of the one we crossed on the 7th.

  • Below it is a pretty little lake, about 100 yards across, fringed with brushwood.

  • The hot springs are four in number, and rise in as many ruined brick tanks about two yards across.

  • I write, we are still in open water, having kept a fairly straight course and come through five or six light streams of ice, none more than 300 yards across.

  • This forenoon it is the same tale, except that the sheets of thin ice are broken into comparatively regular figures, none more than 30 yards across.

  • This was not more than 80 yards across; thus I could command both sides should a bear break covert, when disturbed by my two beaters; there could not have been a more favourable locality.

  • As we continued the descent of the mountain slope, the ravine grew wider, and it was now quite 100 yards across; this would increase the probability of finding game, as there was a larger area of covert at the bottom.

  • The nullah was about 20 yards across and 30 feet in depth; the banks were in most places perpendicular, and the bottom was rough with stones, intermingled with bushes, most of which had lost their foliage.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "yards across" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    black bass; cast lots; classical literature; dead animal; each step; great courage; honourable gentleman; make the; master builder; recovering himself; says the; since that; sweet bird; tall figure; warm welcome; yards across; yards ahead; yards away; yards distant; yards east; yards from; yards from the enemy; yards further; yards south; yards west; yards wide